Chapter 14

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"I need you to kill this girl. If you don't I will kill you. I have to go so I was doing something by the time they figure out shes missing, okay? I'll be home around nine or nine- thirty."

I almost cried as he left the room, wondering how he expected me to do such a thing. Clancy held me in his arms and smiled down at me.

"It'll be okay, it'll be okay." He whispered soothingly in my ear.

I smiled, but tears were still running down my face. What were we even supposed to kill her with, our fists? I don't think so. All we had was silverware and books. Then I realized he had left a small pocket knife on the floor next to the door. That's it? A pocket knife. That could barely inflict enough damage to injure someone, let alone kill someone.

Clancy immediately went a picked up the knife and jabbed it into the girls neck. She let out a heart shattering scream as the blood poured from her throat. He prayed over her before sliding the knife to the left and back to the right. More blood poured from her throat and mouth as she coughed up blood. She was frozen and dying. Soon to be dead. Her screams became airy and disconnected then all the life left her eyes. She was dead. The deed was done. I looked up at Clancy who was splattered in crimson red blood, now turning a dark red because of the oxygen. A look of hatred for himself and fear of himself in his eye. I hugged him.

"You had to, it wasn't your choice. You knew I couldn't have done it you needed to do it. It had to be done."

He nodded his head and pushed away from me, walking to the bathroom. I could hear the shower turn on as I stared at the girls limp, lifeless body. How was I supposed to clean this up. I went into the pantry and looked around. I found a trash bag, a mop, and some stain remover. I immediately began to clean up. I tried my best to fit her in the bag but she was too heavy. Every time I looked at her dead body I began to cry again. The smell of blood in the air began to irritate me, so I cleaned faster. Before I knew it there was no stains anywhere, just the body half way in a bag, which was catching the blood.

I walked into my room and laid down. Surprisingly, I had no blood on me, that I could see anyways. Clancy opened the bathroom door and the fresh smell of shampoo and body wash came over the room. I took a deep breath and got up. I walked over to him, he was shirtless, but had shorts on. I pressed myself against his skin and breathed in, he smelled clean. I wrapped my arms around him and looked up at him.

"If he ever makes us do his work again, I will kill him."

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