Chapter 6

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I woke up looking a mess, I hadn't taken the makeup off my face last night. My hair was messy from the product that had been in it. The little girl, my daughter, was asleep on top of me, drooling on my dress. My white lace socks were on the floor and so were my flats. I need to get up but I didn't want to disturb the little girl. I looked down at her sleeping face. Flawless skin, besides two bruises. She was snoring quietly. The room was stuffy and hot. I would ask him to turn air conditioning on in a little bit. I felt like I couldn't breathe, even thought there was oxygen in the room.

"Doll, come here a second."

I heard a soft voice call from the kitchen. I carefully picked her up off my stomach and laid her on a pillow. She was fast asleep and probably wouldn't wake up for awhile. I realized it was 7 a.m. and I wasn't dressed or ready. I quickly ran into the bathroom and washed all the makeup off my pale face, changed into a dress almost identical to yesterday's, but it was a pastel purple. I ran a brush through my hair. I put a bit of eyeshadow and eyeliner on, along with foundation and powder. Oh and fake eyelashes. I looked more natural than usual, hopefully he would be okay with it. As I walked out of my room I put white lace tights and my white flats on.

"Ah, there you are."

He smiled kindly at me, but he always had a glimmer of anger in his eyes.

"Today is a free day for you. You may cook, not eat. Drink water. Your apples and gum are on the top of the microwave. I am going to work now."

He planted a kiss on my cheek as I stood frozen in place. I didn't like this.

" I love you."

Those last three words made me freeze. All my thoughts went blank and all I could focus on was what he said. 'I love you' repeated in my head as I heard him go up the stairs. Had he really just said that? I didn't really know what to think or say. I'm sure he was mad I didn't reply, after 30 seconds of silence and him staring at me he turned and stormed out of the room. He wasn't happy I hadn't replied.

'I love you'

What if he really did? I didn't love him that was for damn sure. He had taken me and a little girl and hurt us and hid us away from all humanity. I suddenly realized I was staring at a wall as I heard little, soft footsteps behind me. Two little arms wrapped around my waist and legs and a small yawn was heard. I looked down at the little girl, her sleepy eyes looked up at me and she offered a small smile. I gave one in return.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes, please." She said in her soft, sweet voice.

I smiled at her and picked her up in my arms. I pulled out frozen pancakes and put them in a microwave. I went and sat on the couch next to her.

"Beep. Beep. Beep."

The microwave went off. I stood up and went to get the pancakes. I put them on the plate and put butter and syrup on them. The smell of them made my stomach ache. I grabbed an apple and bit into it. It had only been two days without food. I had five more days to go. I felt like I was dying. I pulled some ice cubes out of the fridge and sucked on one. It made you feel full without eating anything, he was right. I ate next to her on the couch, the smell of the pancakes killing me.

"After you're done eating we need to get you ready and then do some schoolwork, okay. I don't want us to get in trouble from him."

She nodded her head in agreement.

Something stopped us from finishing anything though.

The door swung open slamming against the frame of the wall.

The man walked in and immediately came over to us. He grabbed me by my dress skirt and pulled me away from the little girl that I was holding close to me. She was so scared. I fell to the floor in front of him. I tried to stand up but was stopped. I looked up at him, fear in my eyes.

He lifted me up by the lace collar of my dress and smacked me, leaving a red handprint. The shock of the sudden pain made it hurt more. I pushed my hand onto my cheek to help stop the pain, it was an instinct. It didn't work though, the pain was still there, aching in my cheek. My eyes were wide as a started at him. He was so mad and I had no idea what I had done.

"You're in trouble."

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