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Jungkook pov

"It's true, you are the most beautiful and gorgeous women I have ever met, i'm glad I met you Y/N. I love you, Noona,"

Her cheeks started turning crimson red.

Even behind those scars and bruises, I still see your beauty.

I smiled at her.

She's smiling, she's happy even though lots has happened to her in these years.

Soon we are going to graduate and afterwards I have a surprise for her, a surprise she will never forget.

Just thinking of my surprise for her causes me to smile.

She lifted her head from my arm as she looks towards Hoseok holding Kookie in his arms on the floor.

"Hobi you'll get sick if you sit down," she says.
Hoseok smiles before standing up, holding Kookie.
"It's ok, Sunshine," he replies.

She walked up to him as she places Kookie on the ground, her wobbling up to the couch where Yoongi's laying.

Y/N pov

I hugged Hoseok after placing Kookie down.
He got surprised at my sudden action but later on hugged me back, giving me his warmth.

His hugs are so comfortable to be in

I smiled as I broke it, turning towards Kookie. She was standing in front of the couch as she taps Yoongi's thigh, trying to grab his attention.

Yoongi hummed before lifting his head up, looking towards Kookie before slowly sitting up, picking Kookie up, placing her on his lap as they both looking each other in the eye.

"She looks a lot like you, Y/N," he says before looking up towards me, smiling a little.

First smile i've ever seen him give me

He looks back at Kookie.
"She does, Yoongi Hyung," Jimin mumbles.
Kookie started flapping her arms around.

"Y-Yungee," Kookie calls.
I giggled at her trying to pronounce Yoongi's name.

Yoongi's cheeks turns a light shade of pink as he looks up towards me. Everyone started chuckling at Kookie.

She started to hug Yoongi, I couldn't do anything but look in awe. Yoongi hugs Kookie back as he shows a warm smile.

I walk up to Jungkook as I hugged his arm.
"Looks like Kookie's getting comfortable around you guys," I commented.
Tae nods.
"So cute too," Jin calls out.

Jungkook's phone rang. He took it out his pocket to see who it was before his face looked annoyed. I looked towards him.

"Are you ok, Jungkookie?" I asked.
He looked towards me with a warm smile.
"I'm alright, Jagi. I just have to take this," he excuses as I nodded before he walked off to take his call.

I felt my scar sting from moving it so much.

Just keep your head still and that stupid scar should heal

I walked towards the couch next to Yoongi as he stops hugging her. He turns towards me.

"Are you ok? I heard what happened," he says. I gulped, flashbacks of what happened came up.

Little memory No. 8

"Right now, Jungkook is mine. He has a child with me, not you. Which clearly shows who he really loves right now," I growled.

She chuckles.
"You messed with the wrong women," she smirked.
"Sure," I mumbled back.

I clenched my fists as she shoves me against the wall, slapping me hard across my face. I slowly moved my head back facing her as I looked at her, shoving her against the sink as I stepped on her foot.

She shouted in pain as she held her ribs in pain from the impact against the sink.

"Jungkook's mine," I growled lowly before punching her on the stomach.

She shoved me on the floor before slapping me twice, panting out of breathe. I shoved her off me as I was trying to hit her but she pushes me against the wall, I yank her hair before we got interrupted by Jimin and Jungkook.


I sighed deeply.
"Yeah, i'm fine," I replied,
"Are you sure?" he cocked his head to the side.

I only nodded before lightly brushing my scar with my fingertips. Yoongi places Kookie down before hugging me.

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you, this should've never happened to you," he caress the top of my head as I letted out a few tears, not caring if they sting my bruises.

I broke it as I smiled at him to ensure him that I was indeed ok.

I looked back at the others, they were going back to doing what they were doing.

I was wondering what's taking Jungkook so long. I stood up, walking to his room, stopping outside his door as I could faintly hear his voice on the other side.

"What's your problem?! You're a psycho! Don't bring her into this! You bring her into this and you'll regret it. Don't you dare touch her!"

It sounded like he was shouting at the phone. I sticked my ear near the door as I place my hands on the door for more stability as I could hear a little clearer.

"My child... not her!"
"You are actually insane, all because you want me?! Haha, how pathetic and obsessed are you?"

"Leave me and my girls alone," he growls.
I heard him end the call as I heard something being smashed and him growling in frustration.

Poor bunny, he's been through a lot

I opened the door slowly, seeing a vase broken on the floor, something was thrown for it to be broken.

He looked really mad and aggressive, making him look terrifying. He was shacking in anger as his eyes shown madness and annoyed, his hands balled up into fists as he was gripping his phone tightly.

I ran up to him as I hugged him, he got shocked as he stopped tensing up and shaking, getting soft.

"N-Noona.. what are you doing here?" he asks.
"You didn't come back so I was worrying if you were ok," I replied.

He caresses my head.
"It's ok, i'm ok," he assures.
I lift my head up.

"I hope so, I was coming and I heard something break," I commented.
He chuckled before hugging me tightly.
"Don't worry about that," he says.

I smiled, happy to be in his embrace.

"Just stay by my side and you'll be safe,"

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