A Surprise

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Jungkook pov

She looked at me shocked.

Did I say that out loud?

"I.." I place my index finger on her lips.
"I'm saying the truth Jagi-ah" I whisper in her ear.
"I'll make sure to keep you safe and protected," she looks up to my eyes as I remove my finger from her lips. She nods.

The nurse walks in. I sit up straight.
"You may leave," she says before leaving.

I look at her as she smiles.
"Ready?" I ask,
"Yes Kookie-Oppa," she responds. My face heating up.

Get it together Jungkook

I hold her hand as she slowly sits up. Shutting her eyes tight from the immense pain, turning me worried.

"Noona are you ok?" I ask as she nods. I look at her stomach, seeing blood trickle down her shirt. I shake my head.

"Wait here.." I mumble. She looks confused but waits anyways.

I went to the cabinet and grabbed bandages, wet wipes and rubbing alcohol. I walk back.

I look down at her, shining from the light as she looks up at me.

"Pull your shirt up," I say abit serious.

She starts to blush before slowly pulling her shirt up. I sit down, looking at her wound.

"Y/N, you're stomach is bleeding. It's nearly open, why didn't tell me?" I asked worriedly. I take a wet wipe and I put a bit of rubbing alcohol on it as I slowly put it on the wound as her face scrunches up in pain, gripping on her shirt while keeping it raised. I try to add as little pressure on it as possible to not hurt her but it was the only way. I place small pressure as I slowly wipe it.

"It will be over soon Noona, this is to help the wound not get infected, I don't want you sick," I mumble worriedly to her as she nods.

"Sorry Kookie," she apologises,
"It's ok Y/N," I reply.

After wiping I wrap the bandage around her stomach. After, I kiss my index and middle fingers, softly placing it on her bandaged stomach.

"There all better," I mumble as she lowers her shirt, smiling weakly at me.
"Right let's go to class,"I say as I pick her up bridal style, she looks at me shocked.

"Th-the teacher.."
"Don't worry, i'll tell her you got bullied and because of that you couldn't walk," I reply as she nods.

I lower my head to peck her lips before raising it back up, walking to class. Feeling her warmth in my arms.

I open the door with my foot as all the attention was on us, seeing Momo mad and jealous at me holding Y/N.

"And why are you late Mr. Jungkook and Miss. Y/N?" the teacher asks, her arms folded.
"Y/N was in the infirmary and I looked after her because she got bullied and kicked in the stomach so I took care of it," I say kindly, looking at Momo halfway.

"And that's why you're carrying her?" she asks, I nod.
"Yes Miss,"
"Right go take a seat you two,"

I walk with her still in my arms as I heard small squirming and some gossiping. I look at the girls to see them death glare Y/N but I just hug her tight so she doesn't think of anything.

I place her gently on her chair, sitting on mine next to hers. I look at her as she looks at me, smiling, her eyes sparkling as I could see my small reflection in them, her pupils grew bigger everytime she looks into my eyes. Her rosy cheeks darken in colour.

I intertwine our fingers together, looking back at the teacher.


After class I picked her up, seeing Jisoo run up to us.

"Hey Jungkook, how is Y/N? I saw the dry blood on her shirt," she asks worried. Y/N lifts her head from my arm as she looks at Jisoo.

"I'm fine Jungkook took care of me," she says before sending a warm smile, feeling my heart skip a beat.

"Thank god, you scared me, next time tell me," Jisoo says worriedly.
"I couldn't," Y/N responds.

"I'll text you later," she says.
"Ok," Jisoo replies before stepping on her tiptoes up to my ear.
"You better look after her," she whispers as I chuckle.
"I will," I respond.

Jisoo gasps, going back down from her tiptoes.
"I just remembered, you got a baby," I nod.
"It's a girl, she's called... Kookie," I reply feeling my cheeks heating up as I say Kookie's name.

"Aww so cute," Jisoo says sweetly.

I look up at the clock.
"We better get going, Y/N should sleep," I say, looking back at Jisoo as she nods.
"Hope you feel better Y/N, text me," she says as Y/N nods.

I walk off with Y/N in my arms.

We were nearly at our dorm as I heard small nearly soundless snores. I look down to see Y/N sleeping, holding my shirt tightly in her hands. I look at her in awe.

I have a surprise for you my Jagi

I got in as I softly place her in my bed.

I'll wait for her to wake up then we can go to the surprise.

I went out to the kitchen to make warm soup.

After finishing, I walk back to my room finding a note on my drawer. I read it to see that it was the babysitter and that she left only a few minutes before us.

I look to Y/N to see her awake. Holding Kookie carefully on her abdomen, feeding her. I walk quickly towards her, waiting for her to finish giving Kookie milk. After she finished, pulling her shirt back to hide her breasts, I place the soup on the nightstand as I pick Kookie up in my muscular arms.

"You're going to hurt yourself," I said worriedly.
"I'm ok, it doesn't hurt, I was careful," she says.

I nod my head, cradling Kookie, Y/N eating the soup.

"After you're done get dressed, me, you and Kookie are going out," I say. She looks at me confused.

"Where?" She asks,

"It's a surprise Noona,"

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