"You're in danger! Everyone around me is in danger and if something happens to you, I won't be able to live with myself." Klaus finally admitted and the ball went blue but she didn't need to see the ball to know he was being honest.

"Nik, look at me. Since I accepted being with you, I knew I could get myself in danger, but that isn't a good enough reason for us to break up. Please don't push me away. I need you. I love you. I can't lose you."

"What if being with me will only bring you hurt and pain?"

"I know I'll get through that if I'll have you by my side, just like I will always be by your side no matter what. I love you, Nik." Caroline said and Klaus kissed her and lay her down on their bed.

"You're the most important thing in my life. If I lose you..."

"You won't." Caroline said with a smile and they both kissed passionately. "Oh, and I should warn you... If you try to break up with me again just because you think I might get in danger, I'll be really pissed off to the point of me going on strike until I forget about it. And I have a pretty good memory."

"I just want you to be safe, love

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"I just want you to be safe, love. Even if that means we not being together."

"That's the thing, Nik. I don't care if I'm safe or not. I care about being with you because if I'm not... I don't know. It took us so long to be here... I can't just throw all that way. I love you so much..."

"I love you so much too. You're the love of my life, Caroline Forbes." Klaus said, making her blush and smile and kiss him.


After breakfast Klaus asked Elijah to go talk with him in private, so they went to the office.

"I'm actually happy that you wanted to talk in private. I had an idea to celebrate our victory. Elena loves parks and all theme things so I was thinking maybe we could all go to DisneyWorld and..."

"That cant happen."

"What? Why? I still haven't told you..."

"Elijah, the fight with our mother might be over but the war is still upon us."

"What do you mean, brother? Our mother died. It's over."

"No, it's not. Our mother knew there was a chance that she wouldn't win so she did something that in case she would die and we would still be alive and immortal, something would come and would bring chaos to us and the people around us, no matter which place we would be, something would inflict us pain and bring chaos. Even if we gave her the cure and let her live as human she would eventually die and we would still be here so that way would also not solve anything." Klaus said.

"No. No! This cannot be happening. We went through so much... We need to stop whatever will hurt us. What did she said more about our future?"

"She simply said that we would feel real pain. At first I thought she was talking about father but... she said I would wish it would be him." Klaus said.

"Who do you think it is?"

"I have no idea."

"And when will this start?" Elijah asked, referring to the chaos.

"Mother could not tell me that. She didn't know. She just knew it would start after her death but didn't know if it would be immediately or if would take time."

"I need to tell Elena and maybe Alaric will find something."


"What do you mean no? I won't lie to Elena."

"What if nothing will happen? What if it was just mother's bluff?"

"I'm sure if it was simply a bluff she would have accepted the cure." Elijah said.

AN: Hey guys! Esther's backup plan won't start right away. But that doesn't mean there won't be some drama until her plan starts. I hope you're liking the story so far. I also love to hear from you and I really appreciate when you voice your opinions and suggestions. I might not write right away your suggestions, because I write ahead, but I try to use all your suggestions. This sequel surely wouldn't be able to exist if it weren't for you guys, for all your support and suggestions. You guys are amazing!

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