treinta y cinco

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daniel's vision clouded. his legs and arms moved abruptly fast and strong on the elliptical.

but it only took a minute to find a sensible solution to the baffling scenario.

tension eased in his chest when he explained. "it's only reducing the number of customers"

jack frowned at daniel's response. "but alec told me he was not going to do it anymore."

"corbyn probably didn't want to disappoint him, and that was his excuse to refuse his appointments" the blue-eyed boy shrugged.

"and what is your criterion to keep some clients and let others go?" the curly-haired boy frowned as if he was not convinced.

"who knows, maybe he is keeping the clients from the ones that get the most money, or the ones that are not so much work"

"and he keeps you as a client?"

"yes, he hasn't said anything about canceling us, we have the rest of the month scheduled," daniel replied, trying to avoid that feeling of fear that corbyn would cancel him.


daniel shook his head to look at his friend. "what does that mean?"

"nothing," said jack, feigning innocence. "i was just thinking"

clenching his teeth, daniel tried not to pay attention to his best friend's taunts as an answer.

"but, really," continued jack, "did you have a good time with him in quebec, wasn't it strange or uncomfortable?"

"why would it be strange or uncomfortable?"

"i don't know, alec told me that he took him to london for a weekend and that business matters were more present and important than the sexy emotion"

daniel swallowed, trying to calm his emotions. it would be much smarter if he left this topic aside.

"what?" daniel asked. he should stop asking but curiosity was almost forcing him to ask.

"oh, you know, making it clear exactly what his role would be, keeping track of all the sexual activity so you can pay at the end, get a suite with two bedrooms so you can sleep in your own bed each, every professional."

daniel stopped moving and his legs stopped slowly. "what?"

jack slowed down too. "why do you look so surprised?"

daniel didn't respond. he just looked at him blindly and tried to process this new information. apparently, jack could put the pieces together by himself. "didn't he do all that with you?"

"yes. no. i don't know"

unable to move his legs, daniel came down from the elliptical machine and picked up his towel to dry his fiery red face.

"daniel?" jack also got off. "tell me"

"we share the bed," admitted daniel. "and we didn't talk about money."

𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘  Λ dorbyn [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora