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corbyn sat on one of the chairs by the table and they drank his wine in silence for a few minutes. they were long minutes.

"that was a good orgasm" daniel finally said, wanting to speak, saying the first words that came to his head.

"good" corbyn said after raising his eyebrows.

daniel was feeling kinda embarrassed feeling corbyn's eyes on him. "i mean, i had pretty low expectations, i knew it was not going to be like a hot love scene in a book, but it was still really good, i liked it."

"i'm glad."

"you don't think i'm weird or unnatural, do you?" daniel asked feeling kinda afraid of the answer."you know, because you have spent so much time without having a decent orgasm".

corbyn shook his head and replied with cold comment. "not at all, it's more common than you think. nowadays people don't know how to satisfy a lover. you may be surprised at how many men and women come to me for that reason."

daniel nodded, but he didn't like the last sentence that corbyn said. "you should give lessons," he said at last, looking at him and studying him closely. "teach men how to do a better job"

daniel heard him laugh. it was just a low laugh, brief and a bit bitter. "i will consider it."

"maybe a seminary or a workshop," he added, somewhat pleased to have managed to entertain such an imperturbable man. "or better yet a web, transmitting internationally"

that comment made him laughed much more. his laughter faded when he finished his wine and looked at his watch. "if you want to continue with sex, maybe we should start"

daniel swallowed and looked at the clock next to the bed. he had been relaxed by the achievements of the night. and the idea of ​​having sex now made his stomach clench in a disgusting way. he knew himself enough to know that if he tried to have sex now, having lost his resolve and erotic impulse, he would be too frightened and uncomfortable.

as if corbyn was reading his mind, he said softly, "if you don't think you're ready for tonight, we can schedule another day and focus on sex then."

daniel exhaled with intense relief. that was exactly what he wanted to do. but the relief mingled with his sense of irony. "what a clever way to sell you for a second night! you should have been a businessman."

when daniel saw how corbyn raised his eyebrows at him, he bit his lip, regretting what he had said before. "i'm sorry," daniel muttered, "i know you're a businessman, i mean a large multinational corporation, but o did not mean... i'm sorry."

corbyn shook his head. "dani, you don't have to apologize."

despite corbyn's gentle tranquility, daniel felt like an idiot. "i didn't want it to look like you were not professional, and i think a second night would be the best idea"

"we'll schedule it then, did you want to do something else tonight? we still have an hour and a half"

as the sex was off the table, daniel was sure of what he would do with him for so long. some men hired male escorts simply for company, but that felt too weird and unnatural for daniel.

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