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i'm not going to do warnings bc this story will have a lot. i mean, have you read the intro?

this story will have a lot of smut

just read it if you want


daniel seavey was sitting in a cafeteria, with a glass of organic apple juice in his hands and trying to pretend he wasn't nervous. but he was. his whole body was trembling.

he also felt like a little boy drinking that juice. everyone used to laugh at him for what he looked like or for what he did. they said he'll never be a man.

daniel didn't drink coffee. he drank juice.

daniel couldn't watch scary movies. he still preferred cute cartoons movies with a happy ending.

daniel was treated like a baby because he looked like one. he looked like an angel.

daniel couldn't have sex because he didn't have the experience for it.

he was so nervous that he literally jumped when his phone vibrated in his pocket. when he pulled it out he saw the name of his best friend. jack avery was calling.

he felt his breathing calm down.

he felt that he needed to relax or he would have a heart attack. he picked up the phone and listened to jack's voice.

he seemed excited about this. "has he arrived yet?" asked the curly-haired boy.

daniel shook his head "no, i told you, we're not supposed to meet until five, there's still fifteen minutes left."

"i thought he would get there early"

"then, why did you call?"

"i'm actually dying, i need to know what's happening. please, you have to call me as soon as you finish"

daniel laughed, relaxing a bit in front of jack's characteristic and disturbing impatience. "you already know i will, who else could i call?"

"definitely none of your other friends. i can't believe you're really doing this, but i'm sure you'll have fun."

moving restlessly in his seat, he tried to get serious when he heard his friend's words. have fun. as if those words didn't make his whole body feel a small vibration, but it did. "do you call this fun?"

"well, you're going to be paying a lot of money, you better have fun"

daniel blushed and lowered his head as if the entire cafeteria could know what he was thinking. but in reality there was no need to worry.

nobody but jack and the mysterious boy knew what he was going through.

daniel muttered something incoherent and jack laughed. he knew his friend, he knew how nervous he was about this. "what was that?"

"shut up, i'm already embarrassed, i'm still not sure if i'm going to continue with this," daniel answered sincerely.

"well, don't continue with this if he gives you bad vibes. i'm dead serious, the slightest gesture of being a weirdo and you run away from him." jack's voice sounded so serious.

𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘  Λ dorbyn [1]Where stories live. Discover now