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two days later, daniel arrived at the hotel room a little later than usual.

daniel had seriously considered canceling corbyn . all day yesterday, he had started to write an email of apology to the blond, saying that he no longer needed his services.

daniel just wasn't sure he could continue as they had, after being slapped with reality on saturday night.

in addition, his relationship with jonah was pretty good and with the fact that one had to be for the other and that made daniel feel bad. mainly because daniel kept thinking about corbyn.

but daniel had finally decided to keep his commitment to corbyn, especially since he felt bad about going back at the last minute.

he really liked the blonde, and he felt bad about leave him by an email, after having had such a long professional relationship. he would prove it. if things felt strange or uncomfortable, he simply would not schedule another appointment.

he had just put on a small robe of a fabric so fine that it was almost transparent, on his dark blue silk ensemble when he heard the knock on the door. as he opened the door with a smile of greeting, he was greeted with a vision that was like a kick in the stomach.

corbyn was standing, as fresh and handsome as ever in black. there was a practiced smile on his face.

"hi," daniel said, stepping aside to let him enter the room.

corbyn murmured a greeting, and followed him to the table where he always left his case. the omnipresent envelope of cash was on the table as usual. feeling more uncomfortable than from the first encounters, daniel sat on a chair.

thinking that they could also bring it to light, he said: "so it was kind of weird, huh?"

corbyn sat on the other chair and raised his eyebrows coldly.

daniel was not a great admirer of that expression either. "see us on saturday," he said in response to his silent question."wasn't it weird for you?"

"i'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable."

daniel dropped his jaw slightly as he looked at corbyn. he hadn't thought that the discomfort had only been feel on his part. he was definitely acting thorny tonight.

"didn't you find it a little weird too?"

"no. not really, but i have years of experience in this, i can understand why it can be uncomfortable for you, in fact, i was wondering if you would mind canceling our commitment tonight."

daniel swallowed, knowing how close he had come to doing exactly that. it was a little disconcerting to know that their meeting at the fundraiser had not bothered corbyn at all. he knew he had surprised him. his expression had revealed at least that, but apparently it had not affected him in any other way.

daniel was determined not to pretend anything, not to add any other layer of unnaturalness to his relationship with corbyn.

"i've thought about it, a lot, it just seemed kind of... i don't know, it would have made me feel like shit."

corbyn cocked an eyebrow, looking a little amused, though not in a warm way. "why would you feel like crap? i'm the one who's about to lose a client."

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