Klaus decided that for the rest of the night, he needed to keep quiet about everything that his mother told him. He actually had a nice time at dinner, Kol was making fun of Elijah's lack of ability when it comes to technology, making him laugh at himself alone with Elena and Bonnie, Caroline talked to Klaus and made him laugh and so did Liz when she told him stories of Caroline as a kid, Ansel told Caroline stories about when Klaus was a kid and would run around talking about the new colors that he had found, Stefan spend the dinner complementing Rebekah, Damon and Katherine spend most of the time in their love bubble, Alaric talked sometimes with Elena and Elijah, Danny and Davina were also there but they spend most time talking just with each other.

 He actually had a nice time at dinner, Kol was making fun of Elijah's lack of ability when it comes to technology, making him laugh at himself alone with Elena and Bonnie, Caroline talked to Klaus and made him laugh and so did Liz when she told h...

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When dinner was coming to an end, Katherine and Damon told them that they wouldn't mind if one day everyone would want to go to their new place.

They were now all on the living room, except Danny, Davina, Ansel, Liz and Alaric who left after dinner.

"We should do this more often." Caroline said happy, on Klaus's lap, feeling his strong arms wrapped around her.

"Yeah..." Katherine moaned, making everyone notice that Katherine and Damon were in a really heavy making out session.

"Could you not have sex in our couch?" Kol asked with a disgusted face.

"Yeah! Just go find a room far away from here." Rebekah said with a disgusted face, very alike Kol's.

"Such prudes!" Katherine said, rolling her eyes annoyed. "We're living. Why don't you all stay here and make an annoying literature group club."

"Literature group clubs are not annoying!" Elijah said in shock of Katherine's statement but she was already gone.

"They kinda are." Kol said.


"I think it can be annoying if you don't read the right books."

"You're the only one who understands me." Elijah said, making Elena smile and kiss him.

Bonnie was kissing Kol's neck, making him smirk and even if they were being too affectionate with people around he couldn't ask her to stop because he had missed how it felt having her kissing him and being so affectionate to him

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Bonnie was kissing Kol's neck, making him smirk and even if they were being too affectionate with people around he couldn't ask her to stop because he had missed how it felt having her kissing him and being so affectionate to him.

"Kol... what do you say about going to our room? We could have some sleep?"

"What? Come on, darling! It's early to go to sleep." Kol said a bit too loud, making everyone look at them, which made Bonnie look at them embarrassed.

"It was a big day. I think we should sleep." Bonnie said.

"We should celebrate."

"Kol, I'm tired. I'm really tired and I think you are too." Bonnie said trying to see if he got the hint but he was still clueless.

"Then you should go to sleep if you are so tired. I'll go upstairs soon."

"Fine." Bonnie said, giving up of making him see what she was trying to say.

"Kol, you can be so clueless." Stefan said.

"What makes you say that?"

"Bonnie was trying to give you a hint that she wanted to go to bed."

"Yeah, to sleep."

"It was for coitus, Kol!" Elijah said irritated that Kol's clueless made such an uncomfortable situation.

"See?! Even Elijah understood the hint."

"What?! Oh my God! I have to go." Kol said and ran to his room apologizing Bonnie for him being so clueless but she quickly forgave him because she missed him too much to stay now upset with him.

"You know how I took a shower once we got here because of how I wanted to relax." Elena whispered to Elijah so only he could hear.


"Well, I believe I didn't mention the fact that I forgot to put any underwear." She whispered and quickly felt Elijah tensing up.

"This has been a very lovely evening but I believe I promised to show Elena a book that it's first edition."

"Yes. And I've been dying to have that book since we got back. It's a really good book." Elena said.

"Okay." Stefan said and they left. "They are gonna have sex, aren't they?"

"Yep." Rebekah said then asked. "Why? Does that bother you?"

"What? The fact I'm living with people who spend almost all the time having sex while I haven't had in almost a year? No! It's fine. I just keep writing on my journal."

"It's not like I asked you to not have sex." Rebekah said. "But I meant, Elijah and Elena."

"I told you that I'm over her. When will you see that?" Stefan asked, not understanding Rebekah being so insecure.

"I think I'm going to sleep too. Klaus will you accompany me or will I have to sleep alone?"

"You know I don't want you to ever sleep alone. I want you to always to sleep with me." Klaus said, making Caroline smirk and they quickly ran to their bedroom.

" Klaus said, making Caroline smirk and they quickly ran to their bedroom

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