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Loki stood there frozen. "She's gone. He took her. She's gone. She's gone."

"Brother," Thor said, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Don't you touch me! I could have saved her! I could have saved her. You stopped me. Why? Why would you do that?"

"You were going to get yourself killed, Loki. That would have gotten us nowhere."

"I could have saved her," Loki repeated.

"Thor," Sif said, walking up behind them.

"Sif, when did you get here?"

"Thanos captured me. I tried to save her, but I failed. We have to stop him. I don't know what it is, but I know he plans to use her somehow. We have to stop him."

"She's gone," Loki mumbled to himself.

"I told you all. I told you he was coming," Carol said. Loki looked at her, noticing she didn't even have a scratch on her.

"You ran. You didn't even bother to help her. You ran!" He pinned her against the wall. "Why would you do that? What did she ever do to make you hate her so much?" She didn't answer, nor did she try to fight him.

"Loki, let her go."

"No! She could have helped. She has so much more power than she's letting on. She's hiding it from you. That's it. She was hiding. She was hiding from Thanos. She was a coward," Loki spat. "A coward."

"Where's Thanos?" Natasha asked, walking over with Clint leaning on her shoulder for support.

"He's gone," Loki answered. "And he stole Lilith. While we were all fighting for our lives, she ran."

"I had a reason."

"What was it? What was so important hat you couldn't even bother trying to save my wife?" She said nothing. "Why?" He pushed his arm against her with even more force than before. She struggled a bit, showing him that he was doing something. "Why?"

"I had to."

"No, you didn't. You really didn't." He let her drop to the floor before he stumbled backwards into the other wall. He slid to the ground, clenching his hair in his hands. "I promised I would protect her. I promised. I'm nothing but a liar. I swore to her. I promised the baby. Now they're both gone."

"Loki, we're going to get her back. We will do everything in our power to get her back," Thor said.

"Thor," Loki said. Thor knelt down by his brother, silently answering to his name. "Will she survive?"

"I don't know, Loki. I wish I could tell you."

"What if we don't get to her in time? What if we're too late? Hell, what if the baby's born and I'm not even there?"

"That's not going to happen. We're going to find her, and we're going to save them both. You will be there to see your son born."


"I said you'll be there."

"Yes, but you said 'son.' Why? Why not say 'child' or 'baby'? Thor?"

"I may have made a mistake. I-I just said the first word that came to mind," he said trying to cover up for his previous words. Loki stared at him in disbelief.

"No, you meant it."

"Yes, I... I meant what I said. I'm sorry, Loki. I didn't mean to."

"A son. I'm having a son. I'm having a son. A son, Thor!"

"You aren't upset with me?"

"Honestly? I hated the waiting. I know it was my idea, but I was doing it for Lilith." Loki looked sad once more. "Lilith. We have to save her. I'm going to save her. I will, Thor. I will."

"I know, Loki. But for now, we all need to rest and heal. I know you want to go after her now, but it's dangerous and illogical."

"You're right. I know. I just hope she'll be alright."

"She will be. She's strong."

"I know." They just sat there for a moment. "I can't believe it. I'm having a son." Loki would have been happy with either a son or a daughter. He preferred to have a son but he would never tell Lilith that. If they had a daughter, he would have loved her just the same.

"Congratulations, brother. Now go, get some rest."

"Y-Yeah. Rest." Loki knew good and well he wouldn't sleep that night. He knew the bed would feel cold and alone. He would be up all night thinking, I could have saved her. I could have saved my son. I could have saved them both.

As Loki walked into his room, he saw the pictures that he put on the nightstand while Lilith was asleep. He picked one up. It was the one of Lilith and him dancing together at their wedding, the best day of his life.

He studied her smile so he could remember it. He was so afraid to forget it. To forget her. He could never let that happen. He longed to hold her. He longed to touch her face. He longed for the feel of her lips on his own.

"Oh, Lilith. I'm sorry." A tear fell on the glass of the frame. He sat on the bed, cradling it to his heart. "We're having a son. I know you wanted to wait but I can't keep it a secret from you. The second I see you, I'm going to tell you. I'll also make sure to tell you that Thor told me. I didn't peek, I swear."

He gave in to the tears after a few minutes. Loki laid on the bed and cried his heart out. He cried for hours and hours on end. He cried for her. He cried for his wife and his son. He couldn't wait to meet his son. One day, he thought. One day, you'll be the light of our lives. Lance. My sweet boy, Lance.

Loki cried even more until he cried himself to sleep.

As he slept, his beautiful wife spoke to him. He could hear her gorgeous voice, singing to him. Then he realized it wasn't him she was singing to. It was their child.

So he just listened. He listened to her songs filling his head until the morning light came to haunt him.

{A/N} The end!!!!! I can't believe the second one is already over! I hope you enjoyed it! I had lots of fun writing it. So, what happens next? Will Loki find Lilith? Will she come back home? I guess you'll have to wait and find out. Thank for reading!!!

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