Chapter Forty-Three

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"I don't usually watch Hallmark movies, so we're only going to watch one. Got it?" I told Loki.

"Alright. Sound reasonable enough," he said. I found a Hallmark movie on the TV and laid against Loki on the bed. "So is this sort of like a play?"

"Actually, it kind of is. I guess I never thought about that. Huh." I put my head on Loki's chest and listened to his heart. I loved that sound. Just thumping away. A song I would never get tired of hearing.

"Are you even watching?" Loki asked. I sat up and leaned my head on his shoulder instead.

"I told you, Hallmark movies aren't really my thing. But yes, I'm watching."


The movie finally ended. I realized I was half asleep, only really listening to it. I opened my eyes and saw the credits going. I yawned and sat up.

I looked over to Loki. "Are you... crying? Oh my God, are you crying?" I asked him.

"N-No, I'm not," he said as he wiped his face.

"You're crying. Oh, that's great."

"It was a beautiful story, but I'm not crying."

"Aww, was the movie too cheesy for you?"

"Stop it. This is your fault. You showed me this. I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"No, I don't." He kissed my forehead.

"Two days. That's all. In two days, we're getting married. Can you believe it?"

"I can hardly wait."

"Tomorrow is our last day to not be married. Oh, shit," I said.


"I totally forgot something." He gave me a look that said go on. "I didn't even think about a bachelorette party."

"A what?"

"You know, where you go out and celebrate before the wedding. Of course, it would just be a bachelor party for you. Well, I have all of about two female friends. I don't know about you."

"I have Thor."

"Man, we suck."

"Who needs other people when I've got you?"

"You remember that. One day, you're going to wish you had never said that."

"So what am I supposed to do at this party?"

"Most people drink. Most people also don't have it the night before the wedding. Honestly, I'm fine without one. We were on a bit of a time crunch."

"Alright then, it's settled. I'm not much of a party person anyways."

"Neither am I. But you know what kind of person I am?"

"What's that?"

"A sleep person. Goodnight." I turned off the television and turned out the light.

"Is that it?" Loki asked. "Just a quick 'goodnight' and you're done?"

"Did I miss something?" I joked.


"Like what?"

"Like this." He bent down and gave me a kiss.

"Maybe I did forget something. The thing is, I can't seem to remember it yet. You think you could remind me?"

"I most certainly could." He kissed me again, this time longer. He pulled away and brushed my hair out of my face. "Alright, love. I think it's time we get some rest. We do have to prepare everything tomorrow."

Shattered-(A Loki Fanfic and sequel to Broken)Where stories live. Discover now