Chapter Forty-Eight

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We went in the other large room we had decorated. Tony must have had some huge parties to have two rooms. Everyone else had gathered in the room, too. Loki and I stood apart from everyone, embracing each other.

Once everyone got in, Natasha came over to us. "You guys ready?" she asked us. I looked at Loki before nodding. "Alright then, I'll play the music." She strode away.

After a moment, a slow song began. Loki held his hand out to me as he looked into my eyes. "May I have this dance?"

"Of course," I said as I gently placed my hand in his. He guided me along to the center of the room. I was barely tall enough to reach my arms around his neck without standing on my toes. He placed his hand on my waist carefully.

"I cannot even put into words how beautiful you look." He smiled down at me.

"You should see yourself. I think I like the green better than the all black." I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I tried so hard not to cry. I didn't want to cry, but my eyes had other plans. I felt the water trickle down my face. It wasn't my worst cry. I wasn't bawling. It was just tears and smiles.

"Darling, what's wrong?"

"I'm just so happy. I've waited so long for this day." He wiped the tears from my face.

"As have I, but it is nothing to cry about. I hate to see tears in your eyes."

"I've looked worse." For a moment, we stayed silent. We just looked at each other as we danced. He was much better than me. I didn't have nearly as much experience as he did, him being a prince and all.

I slowly moved my arms until they were around his waist. I leaned my head forward, resting it on his chest. I felt his arms holding me closer. I listened to his heart. It was on its own beat, apart from the music. I could dance along to his heart on its own if I had to.

"This is a long song," I said, still smiling. I had closed my eyes and let him guide me. I trusted him to keep us from stumbling.

"Are you tired of dancing?"

"A little, but until the song is over, we will be dancing. I don't want to miss a moment with you." I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"I believe it's almost over. I also think Thor would like to dance with you. He seems to be patiently waiting."

"Well, he'll have to wait a song or two. I want to sit down for a while."

"Alright." We strode around with each other until the song began to end. It slowed down until it finally stopped. "Come, let's sit." Loki took my hand and guided me to the seats that were designated for us.

"Finally," I sighed. Loki sat down. I went to sit beside him, but he stopped me. "What?" He motioned for me to sit on his lap. I almost said no, but I went with it anyways. I carefully sat on top of him rather than beside him. "What are you up to?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Must I always be up to something, darling?" I laughed as I leaned back onto him. My head rested on his shoulder and I turned my face towards him. I buried my forehead in his neck. "What's wrong?"

"Must something always be wrong?" I said, mocking him. "I'm just getting comfortable, that's all."

"Alright then." I didn't know what other people were doing since I couldn't exactly see. I could hear two more songs pass before Loki nudged me. I was in a half-sleep daze.


"I believe Thor has something to ask you." I lifted my head and saw Thor smiling at the two of us. "Get up, darling." I stood and walked around the table to meet Thor.

"Hello, Thor," I said. He nodded his head.

"Lilith, my sister, I was wondering if you would do me the honors of accompanying me on the dance floor."

"I would love to." He took me to the center of the room, much like Loki had before. I saw a few others dancing. Scott was dancing with Cassie, Natasha with the man I didn't recognize, and Steve dancing with a blonde woman. He seemed to really enjoy her company, same with Natasha.

"I am so glad that you are part of our family," Thor told me. "You cannot imagine the look he had on his face when he told me he wanted to marry you."

"When did he find time to tell you?"

"He didn't have long. Actually, it was on the ship we took. After we thought he might not have survived, you saw him in the doorway." I nodded, understanding when he was talking about. "Well, before that, he told me everything. He told me how he loved more than any woman he has ever laid eyes on. He told me about how much he would be willing to do just to make you smile."

"Really?" I asked, smiling of course. He could always make me smile. For him, it really shouldn't be that difficult.

"Yes. And when he pulled that ring out of his pocket, he was happier than I have ever seen him before. I wish you could have seen his face. I know my brother well, and I guarantee you he has never had anything or anyone make him feel the way you do." I couldn't help but glance over at Loki. I smiled at him, receiving his own smile in return. All this talk about smiling made me... happy.


"Nothing." The song ended and Thor gave me a small bow.

"Thank you, Thor," I said.

"It was my pleasure." I went back to Loki, but I sat next to him this time.

"Hello, love. How was it?" he asked.

"It was great. Thor told me a lot."

"About what?"

"Oh, nothing," I teased.

"Well obviously it was something. Tell me." I shook my head. "Why not?"

"Because, I think I'll keep it to myself."

"What? That's not—" Before he could finish, I pulled him closer to me, kissing him with more love than I can even explain. "All right, fair enough."

"That's what I thought."

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I made a face that made it look like I was thinking hard about it.

"Hmm, maybe you did. I'm not sure. Would you care to remind me?"

"I love you more than I am even capable of describing. I cannot put into words how much I love you."

"Yet, you seem to find a way to do that anyways." He laughed, making me smile. "I love you." I leaned my head on his arm, already getting tired.

"I love you, too, darling." He carefully removed his arm from beneath my head and wrapped it around me, letting me put my head closer to his chest instead. "Tired already?"

"A little. But don't think that I'll be too tired for you tonight," I said quietly. "Tonight, you're all mine." Everyone had agreed to give us some privacy for a few days since we weren't exactly able to have a honeymoon.

"Wonderful." He kissed my head before resting his own on top of it. "You are an excellent wife."

"You say that now. Just wait until we've been married a few years. Then see what you think." Natasha came up with a camera and told us to stay where we were. I had asked her to take only a few pictures. I didn't want to be bombarded but I also didn't want to have zero pictures from my wedding.

She finished up and let us be. "You will always be an excellent wife, even in the worst of times."

Shattered-(A Loki Fanfic and sequel to Broken)Where stories live. Discover now