Chapter Fifty-One

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My eyes opened to bright white walls surrounding me. Where was I? I stood up, but I didn't want to. I obviously wasn't in control.

I managed to get a glimpse of myself in a reflection. Except, I wasn't myself. I was... Loki.

I walked over to the barrier, staying far enough away from it. I felt something coming towards me. Something powerful. All of a sudden, I was matched with a pair of strangely silver eyes. My own eyes.

"Why am I here?" the other me asked.

"That's how you'd like to start this conversation?" The words just came out of my mouth. I suppose it wasn't really mine, though. It was Loki's, especially since I sounded like Loki. But when I saw me, something felt off. Different. Familiar.

She's... beautiful. Loki's thoughts went through my head as if they were my own. But who is she? What could a Valkyrie possibly be doing here? Well, he thought. It's obvious she isn't really here. Just some sort of... dream.

"You are here for various reasons. This is merely the beginning."

"The beginning?" I asked. "Of what?"

So many questions. But something isn't right here. Why would her dreams bring her here? Why to me? But she is rather... interesting. Something about her seems so... fascinating. Perhaps this won't be our only meeting.

"Oh, you have no idea."

Neither do I, but I know it's something important. Besides, if she thinks you know then you have the higher ground. You can hold that over her. I had looked at Loki, clearly confused. Then I realized, this was my first meeting with Loki. But instead I was... well, Loki.

Before I knew it, I had disappeared before Loki's eyes.

How strange. What could that possibly mean?

I woke up afraid. My body still felt like it was falling for a moment. I freaked out, unsure of where I was. I was alone, and that was all I could make out.

"Loki?" I scanned the strange room. It looked like some sort of lab or something. I didn't like the looks of it. I didn't like being alone, either. "Loki?" I sounded more afraid the second time. Where the hell was I?

I realized I was lying down. I sat up, feeling a slight tug at my arm. I looked over and saw some sort of IV or something attached to me.

"What the hell?" I pulled it out, not even thinking about the consequences. Luckily, there were none. At least, I don't think so. "Hello? Anyone?" I stood but my legs were weak. They gave out instantly, causing me to collapse to the floor. "Damn it."

They felt almost numb. I couldn't move them very well. "Come on. Somebody! Help! Is anyone here?"

I dragged myself along the floor. I had no idea where to go, but I saw a door. Going that way then.

As I dragged myself along, I heard it slide open. "Hello?" I asked.

"Lilith?" It was Thor. Thor was good. Good was what I needed.

"Down here," I said. I didn't look up, but I heard him scramble over to me. I felt his arms beneath me, scooping me up off the floor. "Thanks. Where are we?"

"You're awake." Really? That's it?

"Yes. Where's Loki? Is he okay? Seriously, where are we?"

"This is the infirmary at the Avengers base."

"And what about Loki? Where is he?"


"No, nuh uh. No 'well...' Thor. Where is he?"

Shattered-(A Loki Fanfic and sequel to Broken)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt