Chapter Thirty-Six

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It took us another hour and a half to finally go. She finally found a dress that she could tell I liked, and we cleaned up the dressing room.

"You took longer than me and I'm the bride to be," I told her.

"Weddings are no joke, Lil. Everything has to be perfect. Everything." I took out the card Steve handed me before we left. He said it should be more than enough to cover the cost. I hoped he was right.

The card had plenty of money, and the woman handed it back to me.

"Will that be all for today?" she asked politely.

"Yes, thank you," I answered. She handed me the dress and smiled. Elisa bought her dress, and we headed out to the car. "I hope he's still alive."

"Oh, he'll be fine," Elisa said. We walked up to the car and saw him leaning against the window sleeping. "See, fine."

"Give me the keys," I said.

"Are you going to take my car?"

"No. Why the hell would I do that? Just give me the keys, and don't wake him up." She rolled her eyes as she handed them over. I unlocked the trunk, and we set the dresses inside. I shut the door as quietly as possible. I looked ahead to make sure he hadn't woken up yet. He was still asleep.

I quietly slid into the front seat of the car. I carefully started the car, waiting a moment to make sure he didn't wake up.

"You know what?" I whispered. Elisa leaned closer. I handed her my phone. "Record this." She gave me a thumbs up, and I turned my attention back to Loki. "Ready?"

I slammed my hand on the horn, making sure not to hold it too long so I didn't freak other people out. Loki jumped so high in his seat that he hit his head on the ceiling.

"Motherfucker!" he yelled. I started laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. "What the hell?"

"Where did you even learn that phrase?" I asked between breaths. "I didn't think you said stuff like that on Asgard."

"What was that?"

"It was the horn dumbass. You're fine." I took my phone back from Elisa. "Oh, wait until Thor sees this. But seriously, where the fuck did you learn that phrase?"

"I'm constantly around you. It must be taking its toll on me." I watched the video and began laughing again. "Get rid of that."

"No way in hell. Come on, we have to get back." I got out of the car and saw Elisa trying to hide her smile. "Thanks."

"No problem. That was awesome. Send me that, will you?" she said. I nodded.

"I'm so glad I got to see you again. Just text me your ideas, and we'll see what we can do. Nothing too big, all right?"

"Yeah, alright. See you soon," she said as she pulled me into a death hug.

"Please don't kill me before my wedding. I don't think Loki would be too happy with you." We turned and saw Loki getting out of the car, clearly still shaken up from what I did to him.

"Yeah, all right."  She let go, and I took a deep breath in. I got on the bike, strapping my helmet on. "Hey," she said to Loki. He paused and looked back at her. "Take care of her."

"I will," he said with a smile.


"I promise. Nothing shall happen to her if I can help it." He reluctantly sat on the bike and put his own helmet on.

"Bye," Elisa said.

"See you," I told her as I started up the bike. She got in her car, waving at us through the window. "All right then, let's go." Loki squeezed the hell out of me during the entire ride.

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