Chapter Fifty-Four

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"Breathe, Lilith. Breathe," I heard Bruce saying. I wasn't dreaming, but I couldn't move. I was stuck with nothing but my ears to guide me. "Hand me that."

"Will she be all right?" Loki asked. "Will she be all right?" No one answered him. "Please, tell me. Will she be all right?"

"Loki," Thor said. "Please, calm down."

"No! Please, I can't go through this again. I can't, Thor. Lilith, my love, please, wake up." I wanted to. I really did, but I couldn't move. I couldn't even feel my body. It was almost like my dreams where Thanos spoke to me. I could hear everything, but I couldn't do anything.

"Please, I just need some space," Bruce said.

"I understand, but, please, just tell me. Will she be all right? Will she wake up again?" No answer. "Please, tell me. I'm begging you. Bruce, tell me. Will she be all right?"

"I... I'm sorry, I don't know. I wish I could say yes, but I just don't know. I'm sorry."

"N-No. She has to wake up. She has to be all right. Can I... Can I just have a moment with her? Please?"

"Sure, but I need a minute to make sure she's stable."

"Thank you." I felt Bruce doing something but I couldn't tell what. I did feel a small prick in my arm. Then nothing. He must have numbed me or something.

"Brother, I am truly sorry," I heard Thor say. "But you will be alright. You can make it through this."

"It's not about me! Why can't you understand that? It doesn't matter what happens to me! This is about her! I only care about whether or not she makes it."

"I know, Loki, but she would hate to see you like this." He was right, I would.

"Well, I hate seeing her like this."

"As do I, but you have to say calm. Let her know that you can handle this. Show her that you're strong. Be there for her."

"I will. You're right. I know you are, but I just wish that whatever is happening to her would stop. She doesn't deserve this. She just woke up, Thor. She had so little time to be awake. I don't want to go back to that cell."

"Then prove that you don't have to. As long as you don't lose control, you can stay out."

"I don't just want to stay out, I want to stay with her."

"You can't stay here all the time, Loki. But I will make sure that you get to see her everyday."

"Thank you, Thor."

"Okay, I'm done for now. Just don't touch any of the equipment. I'll be in the other room if you need me," Bruce said.

"Thank you, Bruce," Thor said. "I'll see you later, brother."

"Yes, later." I heard the door shut. "Hello, my love. I-I..." His voice broke, and I could tell tears were forming just by the way he sounded.

I just barely felt him grab hold of my hand.

"I'm sorry, Lilith. I-I really am. I swear I will be here every day for as long as I can. If they let me, I will stay here with you at night and keep you safe. If they don't," he began to whisper. "I'll do it anyways."

Loki, can you hear me? Nothing. Loki! Loki! I couldn't reach him. He couldn't hear me. I was trapped inside myself, silenced.

"I was thinking, and if it's all right with you, I'd like to wait to find out what the baby is the day of. Is that okay?"

Yes. Yes, it is. I wanted to scream. He couldn't hear me. It was pointless. At least I could hear him this time, but how long would it last?

"As for names, I haven't the slightest clue. I wanted to wait for you for that bit. If you get any ideas, let me know. All right?" That was absolutely fine. Could I tell him? No.

I loved that he was speaking to me, but I hated hearing the pain in his voice. It was torture.

"I don't think I have much time left for today, but I will be back. But I must ask one thing of you: Please wake up soon. I need you, Lilith. So please, come back to me."

"Brother," I heard Thor say as a door opened. "I'm sorry, but we must go. Bruce will do his best to help her."

"Okay, just let me finish."


"I shall see you soon, my love. Do not fret, I won't be gone long. I love you." I could feel enough to feel his hand run through my hair and down my cheek. I felt his soft lips on my forehead, telling me goodbye.

No, don't go. Don't leave me. Please. Don't leave me. I felt him reluctantly pull away.

"I love you," he repeated.

I love you, too. I heard his footsteps grow distant. The door shut behind him and he was gone.

"Hey, Lilith," Bruce said nervously. "I don't know if you can hear me, but in case you can, I won't do anything without telling you. I'm going to do my best to help you, but I don't know what's wrong. I'm also going to tell you because I usually have someone to talk to. But Tony's not exactly here, so I hope you don't mind. I might get a little chatty sometimes."

Good. I won't be alone.

"I'm just going run some simple tests. You shouldn't feel anything. If you do, I'm sorry."

It felt like hours before he finished. A lot of what he said was science talk that I didn't understand, but I was glad that he was talking to me. It was more than kind.

"Okay, Lilith. I'm done for tonight. Loki's going to stay with you and hopefully notify me if something goes wrong. I know he doesn't understand the technology, but if it starts beeping, he'll need to come get me. Nothing should beep though. Okay, goodnight."

"Hello, love," Loki's voice rang through my ears. "I'm back. I hope you can hear me. I'm going to read you a story if that's all right. I remember from a while ago you told me one of the authors you like. I asked Natasha for some help actually. I got some Edgar Allen Poe stories for you. Remember when you said you liked him? I hope you still do."

I do, Loki. I really do. I longed to reach for him, but I was frozen in place. I longed to feel him. I wanted him to hold me. Instead, I was stuck on this table.

"Alright, here we go." I heard the pages turning. He began to read one of the stories. I loved hearing his voice. It was meant to read stories. One day, he'd be reading to our child with that wonderful voice of his.

Oh my God. What if I didn't wake up in time? What if I had the baby while I was still in this coma? What if I never woke up? Why had I even woken up for that short amount of time, anyways? What was the point?

Loki had been reading for a while and I could tell he was getting tired.

Loki, I wanted to say. Go to sleep. I don't mind. You need to sleep.

He yawned and I heard the book close. "Alright, I think that's enough for tonight. I love you." I felt him come over and lay beside me. He brought a blanket with him, covering me with it. I felt his arm around me, trying to be gentle. "Goodnight," he whispered. "Sweet dreams."

After a while, I could tell he was asleep. He sounded so peaceful. Eventually, I went to sleep to. It was strange, since my body was already sleeping, but I guess my mind had to sleep, too.

Goodnight, Loki.

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