Chapter One

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{A/N} This story heavily deals with the topic of self harm. Please take care of yourself first and avoid reading this story if that's what is better for you. Reach out to someone who you trust if it is something you struggle with. Be safe.


"You son of a bitch!" That was the first thing I said when I saw him. "This isn't happening. You were dead. You are dead."

"I'm sorry, love." That was all he said. Those were his words of choice. Then I punched him and knocked him out cold.

Now, he was lying on his bed with me sitting on the end of it. Thor was waiting outside to give the two of us a moment to speak alone when he woke up.

Loki stirred and eventually sat up. He rubbed his head while groaning a bit. I noticed and turned towards him.

"You sneaky little son of a bitch." He flinched.

"Please, don't hit me again," he begged.

"What, you think you don't deserve to be hit again? Do you have any idea what you put me through, Loki? What the hell is wrong with you?" He scooted towards me, cupping my hands in his own.

"There are things that you do not understand, Lilith, nor could I possibly begin to explain them. But I swear to you, everything had a reason."

"Really, that's your excuse?"

"Yes?" I pulled one hand away and slapped him in the face.

"You bastard! Do you have any idea how much it hurts to see you right in front of me? The worse thing is, I don't know if it would hurt even more if you were still dead."

"I'm sorry, darling. But you must understand—"

"No! I don't have to understand any of this! I just want to know why? Why Loki? If you won't answer that, then I don't want to hear it. So, enlighten me."

"Lilith, I did it for you. It was the only way to protect you."

"Protect me? From what?"

"I think you know."

"What? From him? From Thanos? Really? Because when you 'died' I had this big fight with him. I almost died. Granted, I almost stabbed him in the eyes, and he fled like a wuss, but that's not the point."

"I know it was hard on you, darling, but I did what I had to. It was difficult for me to leave you, but it was necessary." He put his hands on my face as he looked me in the eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Damn it, Loki," I said before kissing him. I had missed him so much. I felt bad for being mad at him but I knew I had a right to be. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." We sat together, leaning our foreheads together. "I want you to know that it took everything in me not to move when you held my hand that day. I knew I was hurting you."

"Loki, I don't care. No, I didn't understand why you turned blue, but it wasn't what I was worried about."

"You don't care?"


"That I'm... a frost giant? You don't care?"

"Of course not. Why should I? I mean, you don't care that I'm human, do you? Am I technically still a human if I'm sort of a Valkyrie?"

"Yes," he said with a slight laugh. "You're still a human. And no, I don't care."

"Good. Honestly, you looked good when you were blue."

"You think so?"

"I do." He began to brush his arm up my arm but I pulled it away quickly.

"Is something wrong?" I shook my head.

"No. No, I'm fine." I pulled away from him and got off the bed. "We'd better get back to Thor."

"Yes, I suppose we should." He watched me carefully for a moment. I don't know if he saw me notice, but I did. "We're going to Midgard, so you should probably wear something earthly. Have you still got your old things?"

"Yeah. I won't be long," I said as I grabbed some clothes before walking into the bathroom.

I put on some of my only clothes. Nothing special, just jeans and a t-shirt. I was about to walk out, but I stopped.

I'd gotten used to being alone in his room. I grabbed a hoodie I'd left on the floor before walking out.

It had been a while since I'd worn my old clothes. It felt nice.

"Alright, I'm ready," I said as I left the bathroom. I froze when I saw Loki.

He was wearing an all black suit. He looked marvelous.

"You... You look great," I told him. "I guess you could say it suits you perfectly."

He glared at me like I was stupid. Which, for that joke, I was. "You're horrible."

"I know. You love me."

"Yes, I do," he said as he wrapped his arms around me. We stood there for a moment until Thor knocked on the door.

"We need to go soon," he said.

"I suppose that's our cue," Loki told me. He took my hand and guided me out of the room.

"It's nice to see you two together again," Thor said.

"It's nice to be together," Loki said quietly, directed more at me.

"We need to go now." I noticed that Thor was also dressed casually. It fit him well. His hammer had become an umbrella.

Thor took us to the stables so we didn't have to walk all the way to the Bifrost.

"I, um, I've never ridden a horse before," I admitted.

"Never?" Loki asked surprised. "Well then, I suppose you'll have to ride with me." He smirked as a black horse came forward to greet him. "It's been a while." He stroked the horse's head. It seemed elated to see him.

"She's beautiful," I said with admiration.

"She is, isn't she?" He pulled her out of her little room and put a saddle on her. "There we are." He hopped up soon after. He reached his hand to me, but I hesitated. "It's alright. I've got you."

I reluctantly took his hand. I placed my foot on part of the saddle to boost myself when he pulled me up.

"Hold on tight," he said. I wrapped my arms around his stomach tightly. The horse took off at a full gallop, causing me to let out a nervous squeal. Loki leaned forward excitedly. His hair flew back in the wind dramatically.

My face was practically glued to his back. "This is really cool!" I yelled.

"It would be better if you actually looked around!" he replied.

"Nah, I think I'm fine." He laughed but he made the horse go faster. I glanced behind us to see Thor trailing behind. He gave us our distance, but not too much. He seemed to enjoy the sight of me holding on to his brother for dear life.

We slowed down as we neared the familiar golden dome. Loki got off the horse and helped me down. I was surprised to see that Heimdall wasn't there.

"Skurge, we need to go to Midgard," Loki told him. Thor walked up behind us soon after.

"Any specific part?" The tattoo headed man asked.

"New York."

"New York?" I asked. "Why there?"

"That's where I took Odin. Are you..." He had a moment of realization. "Oh. You can stay here if you want. You don't have—"

"No. No, I can do it. I'm fine." I held on to his arm. "I need to go back at some point." He smiled proudly.

"I believe in you."

"You're feeling cheesy today, aren't you?" I joked.

"To Midgard then?" Thor asked.

"To Midgard," Loki and I said in unison.

To Earth.

Shattered-(A Loki Fanfic and sequel to Broken)Where stories live. Discover now