Chapter Eleven

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"Are you guys insane?" I asked as I flew to Alma's side.

"This is our job. We fight the final battle. We fight during Ragnarök. We have to do this," she said. But she sounded distant. I could sense the fear in her voice, but I could also tell that she wasn't going to back down.

"Alright then. Let's do it." We charged towards Hela. Thor was leaning against the wall. I flew down to his side. "Are you alright?" I asked him. I noticed that his right eye was missing and replaced with a large maroon red circle. "Oh my God. Your eye."

"I'm fine. What about Loki? Is he still fighting?"

"Yeah, I think so. I kind of left him down there so I could help those idiots charge towards Hela." He stood up and brushed himself off. "You ready?" He nodded and lighting filled his one good eye and danced around his fingers. "Woah. Cool."

He charged at his sister, but she easily knocked him off course. Ilia attacked with her sword. Hela deflected it as Alma struck her from behind. I flew over and stabbed her as she turned around to face Alma. She turned around quicker than I thought she could and grabbed me by the neck. She pulled out my dagger and let it fall to the ground.

Ilia went to charge, but Hela held me out towards her. I was kicking and trying to hit her hand off, but I couldn't. Ilia stopped in front of us.

"Don't come any closer," Hela threatened, "or I'll snap her neck." Alma's eyes moved around quickly as she assessed the situation. Her hands were gripped tightly on her axe. She shot Ilia a look, and Ilia nodded in return.

My vision became spotty, and my lungs got heavy. My hits were becoming weaker with every passing moment.

"Are you still there? Lilith?" I guess I had become so weak that I couldn't keep up the block.

I'm kind of... busy at the moment.

"What's going on?"

Your sister may or may not be choking me. I'm not really sure anymore. It's getting pretty dark.

"Damn it! I'm coming. Just hold on. Please, Lilith, just hold on."

Don't worry... about me. My thoughts were getting clouded. I'm... I'm fine. All of a sudden, I fell to the floor. My hands shot to my throat as I took in large breaths. My vision returned bit by bit. Alma knelt down beside me as Ilia kept Hela busy. Some other Valkyries rushed to help her in the fight.

"Are you alright?" she asked me. I nodded, not ready to speak yet. I looked around and saw many Valkyries lying dead on the ground. There was already so much death surrounding us, and the battle wasn't anywhere near done. I stood up and picked up my daggers off the ground.

"I'm fine," I said, my voice raspy. I'm fine.

"Lilith? I'm coming. Damn this stupid bridge for being so long."

I'm fine. Really. She's not choking me anymore. Stay down there. The people need you.


Stay. Alma and I readied ourselves to attack. Ilia jumped into the air and began to bring her sword down on Hela. Hela's hand shot up and a dark jagged thing came up from the ground and shot itself through Ilia's stomach.

"No!" Alma screamed. She charged straight at Hela. Hela smiled as she shot some spear-like objects at Alma. She easily dodged them. I flew over to her side, and we attacked together.

We struck simultaneously, making it hard for Hela to know which direction to attack. She finally locked her sights on Alma and readied herself to send a blade through her too. She hit her hard, causing her to lose balance for a moment. Hela summoned a blade to her hand and aimed for Alma.

I shot across the floor and pushed Alma out of the way. I felt the blade hit me as pain covered me like a blanket. I looked back to see that it had only impaled both of my wings. At least it wasn't going to kill me.

"Lilith!" Alma called out. I screamed with pain as Alma rushed over. Hela looked like she got bored with us and flew down to the bridge. "Oh, I... I don't know..." She was stunned and obviously had no medical training whatsoever. I wasn't too upset about that because I didn't either.

"That... that hurts like hell." She looked around for anything that could be of use. She gave up and ripped part of her skirt off. She began to wrap it around my wings as they bled all over her hands.

"Th-thank you. You saved my life," she said as she bandaged it.

"It's nothing," I said as I clenched my fists. "We need to get down there. We have to help."

"I know. Just hold still."

"Lilith? Are you alright? Hela came down but I don't see you anywhere. Please, tell me you're still there."

I'm here. I'm here. I'm coming. I just ran into a bit of a problem, that's all.

"Problem? What problem? Did she hurt you?"

Just stabbed me through both of my wings. Nothing much, I joked. I didn't want him to worry too much, but I also didn't want to keep him completely in the dark.

"Alright, there," Alma said. She stood up, offering her hand. "I can carry you down. It might not be the smoothest flight, but it's all I can do."

"Okay, let's go." She wrapped her arms around my waist and spread her own wings. Her white feathers were stained with dirt and blood.

The flight down was shaky, but not bad. We landed on the bridge, and I scanned the crowd nervously for Loki.

I was trying to help Alma fight, but I was distracted with my worries for him. She placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Go find him. I can handle this."

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Go." I hugged her before running down the bridge. I wished I could have flown above to scan from above.

"Loki!" I yelled. I couldn't find him anywhere. "Loki, where are you?"

"Lilith?" I heard him call out from a distance. There was so much going on around me that I couldn't tell which direction it was coming from. "Where are you, my love?" I desperately wanted to find him, but I was still fighting off the warriors.

"Can you guys just back the fuck off?" I asked as I kicked another one off the bridge. "Loki! I could use a little help!" The warriors grouped up and obviously planned to overpower me. "Damn!" I yelled as about five of them tackled me to the ground.

"Get away from her!" I heard the sound of bones being scattered across the bridge. The skeleton that was blocking my view suddenly shot into the air. Loki's face came into my line of vision. "Hello there," he said. He extended his hand so I gladly took it.

"Hey there, hot stuff. You miss me?" I asked with a sly smile.

"More than anything." He brought his face closer to mine and our lips danced like inseparable magnets.

"How adorable," the deep voice of Hela said.

"Aw shit," I mumbled under my breath as both Loki and I turned to see his rather evil sister standing before us. "Seriously, lady, what is your problem?"

"Really? After all that, you have the audacity to call me 'lady'? Come on. I think I deserve more recognition than that," she complained.

"Alright, well, I've got things to do, so can we get this over with? Please?" She rolled her eyes as she summoned another blade to her hand.

"You mortals never cease to amuse me. Unfortunately, you'll have to join your friend."

"What? What is she talking about? What friend?"

Ilia. I kept my face straight as I held my daggers tightly in my hands. Any plan?

"Not really."

Sounds great. Let's do it.

Shattered-(A Loki Fanfic and sequel to Broken)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu