Chapter Three

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"Kneel," she demanded.

"I beg your pardon?" Loki replied. I pulled out my daggers, knowing this would probably turn into a fight.

"I said, kneel to your new queen." She finished looking at her nails and looked up at us.

"I am Thor, son of Odin," Thor said as he stepped forward.

"Really? You don't look like him," she said.

"Perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement," Loki offered.

"You sound like him." She turned to me. "Who are you?"

"She is none of your concern," Loki answered.

"Ah, I see. A lover, then?" I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. Whether it was embarrassment or anger, I wasn't sure.

"Listen, if you could just crawl back to whatever hole you came from," I began, "that would be nice."

"Feisty one, aren't you? It's a shame you're on the wrong side. You could have been useful." She pulled her hair back and a multi-horned helmet formed. I thought it looked heavy.

Thor threw his hammer at her, expecting the usual result. Rather than dodging it or getting hit by it, though, she caught it. Her hand was trembling at the force of the hammer, but she didn't seem to be afraid at all.

"Th-that's not possible," Thor muttered.

"Darling," she began. "You have no idea what's possible." She tightened her grip on on the hammer. After a moment, the hammer crumbled to pieces and fell to the ground.

She looked at me, about to strike. Loki looked afraid, but I was ready. "Bring us back!" he yelled.

"No!" Thor exclaimed, but it was too late. The colors of the Bifrost surrounded us, and we were lifted from the ground. Thor was above us, looking down. "Loki!" Loki looked beneath us, as did I. Hela was following close behind.

"What do we do?" I asked. "She's gaining on us."

"We fight," Thor responded. Hela shot up and grabbed Loki by the neck.

"No!" I yelled. She held him against the wall of the Bifrost. "Loki!" I threw my dagger at her, hitting her shoulder, but it wasn't quick enough to save him. She shoved him through, and I heard his fading scream. "Damn it!"

Her cold eyes met mine as she smiled an evil-looking smile. She pulled my dagger out before grabbing me by my ankle. "Shit," I cursed. She swung me down, causing my head to stick half way out of the rainbow beam. My wings came out as a response, trying to pull me away from her. I tried to fight but it was rather difficult from my. The way she held me made it hard to get away, though.

"A Valkyrie? Interesting," she remarked. She swung me again before pushing me out of the Bifrost, too.

"Fuck." Everything rushed by in a blur. Darkness and colors. Light and dark. Just everything at once. After a moment of free fall, I found my train of thought. I hadn't used my wings in a while, so flying would be hard. I at least needed to get myself to glide.

My wings were sore from being left alone for so long. I tried to ignore the pain as I focused on steadying myself, but it wasn't working well. I was falling fast.

"Come on, come on, come on!" It took longer than I wanted it to, but I finally found the air resistance I needed. It hurt like hell, but I managed to flap them a few times. I slowed my fall but didn't stop it. A portal sat beneath me, and I was heading straight for it. "Okay, I guess I'm going there."

I passed through the red circled portal with a bunch of other things, like weird space debris. As soon as I went through it, I could feel the immediate change in the atmosphere. My feet hit the ground, so I pulled in my wings and rolled.

I stood up to check my surroundings. "I have no idea what this place is. Great." I saw a tall building in the middle of everything and assumed that was the middle of the city. I decided to go that way.

My nerves were on edge, just waiting to be attacked. I held my one dagger in my hand. The other was lost somewhere in the Bifrost. I heard a ship coming, and I stupidly hoped for the best.

Please, just be passing through. Please, just be passing through. It landed right in front of me. Damn it. Two bridge sections came out to join each other and met the ground. The doors opened, and a beautiful woman stepped out.

She had a bottle of liquor in her hand. She barely managed to walk down and stay on the bridge. She almost fell off, but she somehow avoided that. "Hello," she said, her speech slurred.

"Who are you?" I asked as I readied my blade.

"I'm here to take you, erm, over there." She waved her hand towards the tall building.

"I'm sorry, are you drunk?"

"It's possible. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"Wow, original. Look, I've actually got somewhere to be, so if you'll excuse me." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright, suit yourself. Hard way it is." I sighed with a roll of my eyes.

"How very cliche."

Now, I'd never fought a drunk person before so I didn't know what to expect.

She swung her fist at my face. I was easily able to dodge. She stumbled but stayed on her feet.

"Okay," she said. "I'll admit that was pathetic." I nodded in agreement. "Let's try that again. Shall we?"

I lunged at her, my blade in my right hand. I barely grazed her arm as I passed by.

She grabbed my ponytail and jerked me to the ground.

"That was a petty move," I said as I rolled to dodge her foot. She shrugged before pulling out two small daggers of her own. "How convenient."

I stood up to ready myself again. She struck this time, using both daggers to her advantage.

She swiftly knocked me to the ground by kicking my feet out from under me. My ankle was still sore from Hela's grip, so it hurt like hell.

I tried to roll, but she loomed over me, one foot on each side. "I win." She reared her foot back and kicked my head.

Immediately after, everything went black.

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