"Is it about Ansel and Esther? Because I was about to tell them that." Danny said.

"No. But you go first." Davina said.

"Yes. You talk first." Klaus said, now feeling tense and fearing that he was starting to trust on the wrong person and that he would never be able to have a good relationship with his father. "What's happening between Esther and Ansel? Are they working together?"

"No. It's not that." Danny said as Caroline hold Klaus's hand tightly and caressed his arm with her other hand to try to comfort him. "People know Ansel is back but it's believed that if someone hurts Esther, Ansel also gets hurt and if she dies, he will die."

"She only got Ansel back so I would lose him again. Of course. I knew this was too good. I thought it was just to convince me in getting in a human's body but had way more to it." Klaus said upset.

"Davina, do you have any good news about the rumors you've heard?" Caroline asked hopeful, trying to find something good out of all that was going on.

"No. I've heard that Esther is not only working with the Ancestors but also with a few of the witches alive." Davina said. "Although I also heard that Nandi is starting to question the Ancestors decisions and requests. But she is too afraid to pick a side. She is afraid of what the Ancestors will do to her and the people she cares about."

"So to summarize, if I kill my mother, I'll kill my biological father, who I never got a chance to get to know, my mother has the Ancestors and alive witches on her side and a powerful witch that could be a big advantage for us is too afraid to do something. What great news..."

"Nik, I know it looks bad, but at least we aren't completely at the dark. It would be worse if we had no idea of what was going on. Things might look bad but at least we can prepare ourselves for what is coming. And we might not have Nandi but we have two Bennett witches and one Harvest girl."

"How can you still be positive?" Klaus asked, not understanding how Caroline could be so positive even when they seemed to be completely screwed.

"If you drank more B+, maybe you would be too." Caroline smiled.

"We can try to break the bond between Ansel and Esther." Davina suggested.

"No. I have a better idea. We will only do that, once we let Esther believe that her plan will be successful." Klaus said, already designing a plan on his head about how they could destroy Esther's plan.

"Are you gonna tell us or what?"

"Not now but soon." Klaus said and left to his studio.


Liz went to see Esther to have a serious conversation with her.

"If I'm not mistaken you are Esther."

"In deed. And you are Caroline's mother."

"Yes. Liz."

"What are you doing here, Liz?"

"I wanted to have a conversation with you. From mother to mother."

"I'm not going to stop trying to make my children see they should be humans

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"I'm not going to stop trying to make my children see they should be humans. They should never have lived for a thousand years. It's against nature. I was not myself when I did that horrible curse. They might see that it was something good just because it made them powerful but it wasn't. Nobody should live forever. They should have their own children as they grew older and eventually would die. Not this."

"I see that you believe that's what best for them but you are missing something else. Something more important. What they need, more than anything, is to have their mother there for them, supporting them and helping them. You came back and you focused so much on convincing them to become human that you still didn't try to be their mother since you got back."

"After that curse I put on them, we no longer were able to keep that bond we once had. And I have to fix the mistake I made."

"For them or for you? As a mother you should think about your children's well-being first."

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do? To assume that I'm a bad mother. I did everything I could to protect them. Unfortunately I didn't saw the boundaries of being so protective and I end up cursing them." Esther said.

"I get that you don't like seeing them as vampires. When I found out about Caroline becoming a vampire, I couldn't even look at her, but then I saw she was still my daughter who needed my love and support. I know you are trying to fix your mistakes but breaking a bond with your children it's the biggest mistake you will ever make. I almost did that. I know what's like." Liz said. "If I kept being stubborn and not giving a chance to my daughter show me she was still herself... I would still have this big void in my heart. You know what's like to lose your child, I'm sure you don't want that pain to become bigger. Even if they accept your offer, it won't change the fact you're not willingly to be their mother."

Liz left and Esther stayed there, not believing in what Liz said. Esther wouldn't let Liz's speech to make her stop her plan, Esther believed in her plan and she believed in doing it for the greater good.

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