He stopped pacing the room and turned to me. "That was pretty stupid of you! But then you must of had a good reason? Tell me Cora, what is a Princess doing sneaking into a servants hut in the middle of the night?!"

I looked down at the wood floor that glowed golden under the candlelight.

"Truthfully I don't have one. I should of just went home but I wound up here. I am sorry James I will leave. You should get some rest."

I started to turn and head for the door.

"My Lady..." a strong yet sweet and caring voice called out for me.
"Talk to me. tell me what's wrong? Though but i am only a servant, You know you can tell me anything right?" James called from across the room.

I turned back around to face him. His light blonde hair fell on top of his head In a messy way. Several pieces fell over his big blue eyes that were filled with concern. I just smiled and thanked the gods I had a caring and kind hearted fellow like James in my life.

"That's the thing James. I don't know. Everything is so confusing. It makes no sense at all...." I said giving up and sitting down on his bed.

He walked over to the bed and knelt down in front of me then grabbed my hands in his own "I can do my best to help you if I know what has happened? Is this something to do with His Highness the kings mission you set out upon on early this morn?"

I simply nodded in response.

"He wanted me to t-take out a prince in the neighboring land." I said some what in a stutter.

I did not like talking to James about the people i had to kill. Sure he told me a million times that it's my job and that it in no way dims his respect for me. But, other times I worry that I'll scare him off. I don't know what I would do without him. And I never want to find out.

"Then I got there, I thought I was cloaked but then I ran into him in the armory, and we starting fighting. Then this this young apprentice came In and asked the prince if he was feeling well, as If seemingly the prince was fighting a imaginary person"

"So wait? The prince could see you yet the boy could not? How is that even possible?" He asked in confusion.

"I don't know James, I really don't know." I admitted truthfully

"But then he told me to follow him to the courtyard and when I did he closed his eyes and appeared to be concentrating the same way I do when I want to be unnoticed or invisible. He then screamed at the top of his lungs to this peasant that was right beside him and the man did not even flinch. Don't you see James? I think he is like me!"

James eyes went wide..

"S-so he's like you?" He questioned.

"I guess" I replied

He took in a deep breath then stood up and grabbed my chin then turned it side to side looking me over.

"What happened after that? Did he hurt you?" He asked protectively.

I smacked his hand away

"For the last time James I am fine." Then a sudden pinch of guilt washed over me. Why did I run? I should of done what my uncle sent me to do in the first place. But I froze and ran. Iv never run from anything!

"I ran like a coward..." I let me
My head fall in shame.

James stood up and seated himself so that he was now next to me. "Lady Cora you are headstrong and fierce. Anything but a Coward."

"But I froze. I freaked out and I froze. What headstrong and fierce warrior freezes in the middle of a battle?"

"We all have our moments. Even assassin princesses. " James said as he laughed.

I glanced up at him and smiled. His face grew back to a more concerned expression. "What are you going to tell your uncle?"

Just then a whirlwind of problems came crashing down on me. What am I going to the king? He is going to be furious once he learned that I did not complete his task. What will he do? Iv never failed the mission before. I have no idea what the consequences would be, And I sure as Tartarus didn't want to find out.

"I think that's why I came here. I don't want to face him just yet." I sighed.

"You can stay for as long as you like. Your always welcome you know that." He offered with a smile.

"Really?" I question sarcastically

"Because a sword to the back is not that welcoming to me." I said with a laugh.

"You got me on that one Princess."

I didn't mind when James called me princess. He wasn't meaning it as a title, not like when he called my 'My Lady' or 'Your Highness' . 'Princess' was his nickname for me. And I loved when he had given a nickname to me. It made me feel normal and almost human when deep down I knew I was far from it. But James helped me see past things like that and just live life to the fullest. What more could you ever ask for? So many royal and noble people take life for granted when they see right passed the little things that mean everything to simple servants like him. It never ceases to amaze me.

I leaned my head against James shoulder and closed my eyes. Enjoying the sound of his normal human heart beat, and the peace and quiet of this room despite thar I knew that tomorrow I would have hell to pay for my failures.

"James?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Hmm?" He asked sleepily.

"Thank you for everything. You are the the only normal thing in my life, and I am so grateful to have you as a friend." I spoke truthfully.

He turned his head to look at me and smiled, then kissed me on the forehead before resting his chin on the top off my head.

"Goodnight Cora"

I smiled at his use of my first name. "Night James"

Soon darkness took over once again and I was fast asleep.


I hope you guys are liking this story as much as I enjoy writing it! Please always vote and comment your thoughts. It helps me keep motivated and want to write more! Till next time Mariskanator

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