Guardian Angels

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But Fleur dodges her punch, and throws her own, knocking Kirstie right to the ground.

"We need to find Emma. Fast."


Emma P.O.V

Is this what defeat is? Holding onto your own life by its strings as someone else overpowers you, forces you against a wall in the gentleman's toilet and uses all their strength to restrain you?

I feel so helpless, so destroyed.

I'm seconds from being raped.

I need my guardian angels.

But life takes its unexpected turns at times. Sometimes, just when you just need it.

Mal's hands are drawn away from my legs as quick as a bullet from a gun, when one colossal ring of skin on skin echoes over the screaming in my ears. My vision begins to clear like warming up a frozen windscreen. The white dissipates.

On the toilet floor, Nick Knowles is beating the shit out of him.

"Emma!" Two of my friends barge through the door. My angels, Emily and Fleur dash up to my side. "Oh my god! Are you ok? Come on! Let's get you out of here!"

Emily helps me gain my balance, picking me up off of the countertop and resting me on my feet. She pulls my dress down so I'm all covered back up, back to PG-13 me.

But I still feel like I can't walk, talk, or breathe.

I'm helped by my two girls back out into the candlelit hallway, where a few more of my campmates are running to my side. "Here, sit down." Fleur helps me down onto the carpet. "It's all okay, Emma. We've got you. You're safe now."

I feel nauseous. I feel blood-drawn. I feel shaky. But, I feel hopeful.

"Are you feeling ok? Sick at all?"

I shake my head, but start to cry all over again as the realness of what just happens sweeps me off my feet.

Noel, Hazza and John fly to my side with a few paper towels and begin to wipe away some of the blood leaking from my legs. Malique only created a few gashes, but the knock to my head is forming a substantial bruise and my brain is beating.

"I think she could have a concussion." I hear Noel say. "Can you hear me ok, Emma?"

"Yeah ... I can hear you fine. My head just really, really hurts."

The ringing in my ears is beginning to subside when I feel the absence of the person I need most. "Where ... where is James?"

Just on cue, James and Anne come flying into the narrow hallway.

"I'm here." My boy's arms wrap themselves around my shaking skin. The nausea then completely subdues, and I feel an abundant amount safer wrapped up in him. "It's ok, Emma. I'm right here."

James P.O.V

My heart is broken.

I hold my fragile girlfriend as tight as I can without hurting her, feeling her tremor and her teeth clatter. Physically, Malique hasn't torn Emma up too bad. Emotionally, it's like she almost died.

"Right. Someone get her a chair and a drink. Emma will need fresh air. Is there a first aid kit?" Anne, our walking Wikipedia page instructs. "It looks like she's hit her head pretty hard. If so, can someone get an ice pack? There should be one in the freezer behind the bar."

I hold Emma tight against me, letting her tears soak into my suit jacket. I then help her up onto a chair that Dec and Holly bring to us once they've been notified.

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