Rotten Retrieval

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"You guys are so Tumblr," John awes. "See you all later!"

I'm great friends with John, but I don't spend that much quality time with him. "We've got this hunny." John hops along with his makeshift stick. "Let's get the bacon."


Emma P.O.V

"Don't break another leg," I laugh at John once we've managed to scale the bridge. "I'm no doctor."

"I promise you I'll be fine," he laughs.

As we reach the overgrown grass, I push through its blades to reach the clearing. However, there's no large structures or bugs in sight. It's just a patch or dirt. "Hello, you two."


"So why is it you two that are here today?"

"Well, I said that I wanted to do one because I haven't in a while," John adds. "And we ended up drawing straws-,"

"And here I am," I beam. "But we're both so excited."

"Ok, so shall we tell you what you're doing?"

I nod. "Please."

"This is 'Rotten Retrieval'. John, you're going to be locked in an underground chamber."

I see his muscles tense. "Emma, when the time starts, you will have to make your way to the chamber, where John is being held through a series of dark tunnels, collecting five numbered keys as you go. As you crawl through the tunnels, you'll pass seven stars that are all bolted to the walls. The only ways to release the stars is with the special tool that John will have to untie while he's waiting for you to release him. When you get to the chamber, you need to open the door using the keys you've collected, grab the tool from John, then come back through the tunnel and unlock all the stars as you go."

"You have ten minutes. There are seven stars to find, and each one earns a meal for camp. But of course, this is a Bushtucker trial, so the chances are you won't be alone down there.."

Holly continues, "Of course you don't have to do the trial, you can head back now but you won't,"

"Nah!" I throw at them. "We can't go back now. Let's do this thing!"

John and I are given a pair of goggles and a helmet each, and are then split apart from each other. I approach a hole in the floor with a ladder to the bottom. With gentle steps, I descend the metal ladder to the start of a rabbit hole. "Ok, can you hear us?" A Geordie accent bellows down my eardrum.

The tunnel is dire, dark beige and damp. It's sludgy and smells rotten and rancid. "Ok, you're both in position. You can start on the klaxon."

Let's do this... I'm hungry.

The klaxon screams.

There's a star immediately to my left, so I keep it in mind. I get down on my hands and knees and begin to crawl through the warren when a colossal volume of cockroaches lands on the back of my neck. "Gross!" I scream, picking up the pace.

I crawl up some shallow stairs that lead to a new chamber, encased with spiders webs from wall to wall. "Oh my god!" I squeal. A spider, spiky and tremendously large scatters across the ground and over the back of my hand. "You've got this Emma." John encourages.

I grab the first key that's attached to the wall and shove it in my pouch. Like a wrecking ball, I shut my eyes and burst through the spindle fibres to the end of the segment. As I reach the end, there's another tunnel below full of murky water.

"What do I do?" I bellow.

"Go under the water, and the key should be on your left," Dec instructs.

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