Sixty One

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Maddeus scoffed at me mid eating a lollipop " Feryn Marek!? Shady mobster, potential murderer, ass whooper and you want his guidance!?"

I groaned looking through the documents. " Oh please Maddy. I made it clear what I need. He won't beat my ass."

I stared down at the figure.

Fee: $12,000 over a six month period.

Wow that was cheap.
But then I read the line below it.

Additional request includes making me Godfather to your oldest son.

I rolled my eyes. Really!? What evil could come of this?

Either way I couldn't sign these right away. My first self defence lesson would begin in a weeks time after Feryn had received my contract.

" Boo!" I moved my hands quickly causing Honey to gurgle and giggle.
He smiled sat up, propped up in the cot while little Scarlet lay grunting at me as if to find my game stupid.

He frowned at me making an odd new sound.
Sticking his tongue out he'd begun blowing raspberries.

I had a feeling if Feryn was his godfather. Scarlet would still drive him crazy.

Regardless the next two to three weeks became incredibly boring. Nord had work to prepare for the upcoming winter season and I was reminded that we hadn't celebrated our second anniversary yet. Considering we missed the first one due to two boys setting up camp inside me. I definitely didn't wanna miss this years.

But then I had to remind myself that the relationship had changed.

So to speak we weren't... " Married" anymore.

We still were, but there were still gaps and holes that I needed to fill if I was ever to trust him again.

" Sir... Where are you going?"
Mika glared at me behind leopard print glasses.

I fixed the buttons on my coat only to smirk at her " To visit a friend of mine. I won't be long."

She smiled glaring at me " Take care now."
I nodded " Thank you Mika" I called on my exit.

You shady bitch
I wanted to add.

I stood shakily with my hand outstretched as Feryn growled behind me.
" Good. Now use your palms to push me away. Only use your elbow if you need to reinforce it. One big shove should do it but use your core. Your core!"
He sighed walking over to me and grabbing at my waist.

" This is your core."
" Oh!" I stood up tensing that area and swaying forward shoving the dummy.
It bounced backward as Feryn moved away from me " Better. But keep practicing that. Get it stronger and stronger. Any attacker, kidnapper whatever that comes after you Light, most likely won't be a stumbling baby. They'll be six-seven foot beasts."

I nodded " You're right."

He blinked in acknowledgement. He seemed so dead inside.

" Now there is one more thing for today's session."
I looked up at him and he was staring me up and down.

" Light. You happen to be.... What I like to call... Sheltered. You live in your own bubble, in your own head... The minute footsteps ran past you you wouldn't acknowledge them till they'd run down the road with your precious little twins."

I frowned at his words but didn't comment. He was saying this for my own betterment.

" I want you to recognise... Potentially worrying sounds. Do you find that people can sneak in and out of the room and you don't even notice?"

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