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- Authors note -

Hello All. 😬

Just a quick warning for this chapter. Things do get slightly uncomfortable in this one. There is some... Aggression and violence involved.

I just wanna warn y'all in advance.
It is very brief but I don't want anyone to feel unsafe from it. 😘😘

Thank you!

- Cat

His hands rested on my waist as we moved along to the study.... And found seats at the table.

Nord instantly took hold of my hand as I pulled out a chair.

He huffed at me quietly 
" In my lap."

I glared at him confusedly
" Really!?"

He glowered at me, evidently not joking " In my lap. Now, Light."

I sighed pushing the chair back in came over to where he was sat.
Fluidly he pulled me forward into his lap and steadied me so I was upright in an awkward riding position.
My ass was practically pushed up against his hard abdomen.

With ease, he grabbed hold of me pushing me into his chest. He growled low.
" You'll be watching."

I sighed paying attention to how my father or his father didn't even seem to care about how my man or his friend kept their partners in their laps!

Doux sat beside his father glaring at Nord and I. He seemed the most irritated to be honest.

Liod was petting his toy like some cat. The boy glared at me and I couldn't help but acknowledge how obedient he was being for Liod.

" You don't want me to behave like that do you?" I groaned with disgust.

Nord chuckled low enough for only me to hear.
" No. But when they're here... You're my one and only toy. Okay?"

That made my heart race.... And I growled into his neck " How much longer...."
He chuckled " You'll just have to be patient. We have the whole night."

Well it didn't help my frustration. I was growing irritated... Practically grinding on him.
Liod chuckled " Looks like your partner is demanding your attention Nord."
He placed a cigarette into his mouth.

Nord growled at me " Not until the honeymoon. I promise it'll be worth it."

Well I was gonna get my way whether he wanted to be a rude cold dick right now.

I purred into his neck.
" Forget about the honeymoon.... I just miss how you filled up my petit little..."
He inhaled sharply glaring down at me.
" Behave yourself."

He wore a serious expression trying to focus on the poker.

I sniffed softly at his neck biting my lip when I was close enough to feel the radiating heat.
" Oh and the smell of you.... When you're thrusting it all down my mouth...."
His body tensed under me and I couldn't help but smirk.

He had began petting my back but still staring at his hand of cards.
" Uh.. I'll play this round."
Doux scoffed at Nord " How is the Other Man of the house settling into married life?" Nord glanced at me then back at his brother.
" Good actually. He's fitting right in."

Liod grinned talking to his toy, the two older men discussed our wedding and how great it was that this union was made.

I sighed into Nord's neck.
" Y'know... If you took me to the bathroom... Right now and fucked me senseless... No one here would even notice..."

He glared at me biting his lips... He looked so shaky his eyes filled with want.
I never felt more like a tease in my entire life... But Nord was no child lacking experience.

He buried his lips at my neck and purred " Baby. Behave. We are not going... anywhere."

I frowned up at him once his eyes focused back on his hand.
Liod smirked " Read 'em and weep you little shit!"
He chuckled and Nord tensed. Liod had won the game.

Doux groaned dropping his cards on the table, hitting them with a fist. " Another game!"

Another round started up and this time something unusual happened.
Nord's left hand held up a winning pair.

The toy wouldn't stop smiling at me almost as if to distract me.
And then I felt it.
Nord's fingers pressing at the crevice of my rear.

I groaned " What are you..."
He inhaled shakily "  Gonna win this game... And fuck you back in our room."

I squealed softly when he dug his finger deeper brushing at the rim of my hole.

I whined.
" Nord..."
He kept glancing down at me when I heard a soft effeminate voice.
"If that's what you call seduction sir that was unapologetically poor."

I glared in the direction of the toy.
Our dad's were so distracted by their own conversation they didn't care about what happened prior... Till just now that the toy opened his mouth.

I chuckled " Well I'm not a toy. I'm not an expert of only one thing. I'm a expert of many things."
He bit his lip at me " Are you implying that you are any higher in reputation than I am? You beg like a slut for Daddy's dick just like a cheap toy homeless men pick off on the roa... "
Without even a second pause Liod slapped the boy hard across the face knocking him on the ground.

" You know. You're being an absolute bitch tonight." He growled.
The toy stood up, eyes full of sadness but he shed no tears holding onto himself.
Good for him the little shit.
My father was huffing angrily. Probably angry at the insults made at me too.

Liod huffed getting up but glared at Nord " Enjoy your Honeymoon. But seriously. We should go. "
Nord glared at them watching as they left. I climbed out of his lap and watched as the doors slammed shut behind them. I was feeling guilty somehow.

" Do you understand why I said don't address that little shit now?"
Nord growled at me and I felt irritated.
I glared back at him " He was talking to me like I'm your toy! I am not your toy!"
Nord got up from the table and stormed over to me taking my arm and pulling me along harshly.

By the time I'd realise where he'd taken me he'd already slammed me against the bedroom door lifting both my hands above my head.
I couldn't help but wince as I hit the back of my head.

" You wanna distract yourself with practically anything that picks a fight with you!"

I bit my lip glaring down at his body.

" He was treating me like your toy."
I whimpered worried this would get physical.

He growled " That's because you are!"

Now those words hurt.
" I told you tonight that when you sat on my lap... You were to act like my toy!"

His hands had tightened like rope around my hands and all of a sudden they were away from me.

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