Fifty Six

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Ore groaned " Like who's wife was I this past year and a half? Dr Jekyll's!?"

I couldn't help but chuckle " I actually got to meet Feryn recently."

She hummed scribbling down on her sheet of paper. " I know, he wouldn't shut up about how he would never imagine Nord with a boy like you."

I frowned " What do you mean? "

She glanced over at me, dark eyes hiding something.

" He just said that he always assumed Nord was into exotic stuff. He said you look so innocent."

I bit my lip. " I can be exotic..."
She glanced at me quickly " You sure princess? "

I scoffed at her " Ore! I can be Exotic!"

She chuckled looking away " Hey... I think you guys suit each other..."

I quickly glanced at her, unable to control my smiles.

After my morning classes I returned to work.

I was now working at my fathers company soon to take over and I was doing quite well.

Finishing at half five I could hear conversation in the dining area only to notice Nord sat where he usually sits, on the phone to who sounded like Liod.

It sounded like good news, but Nord didn't notice I was there.

A tap at my shoulder surprised me only for the redheaded chef to leap at me in a hug.
Winona squealed " Oh you precious darling!!! You're home!"
I nodded looking around confusedly.

" Where will I be eating from now on?"

She chuckled " Mr White eats in half an hour, you will eat as soon as he is done. For now go and put your things away. I promise to have Arys come get you."

I raised a brow at her " Arys?"
Her pupils shrunk as she shuffled away from me " Uh... It is... a...looong story."

I cleared my throat " I bet it is..."
She slapped at me playfully " Sir... Please head to your room in the meantime okay?"

I smiled at her. I'd missed her.


" Sir... I've prepared your favourite today... We have some roast vegetables, potatoes and beef.... Annnd I asked Winona to make a coffee cupcake for you."

I glanced at the new maid noticing that she was maybe the same age I was.
Nord seemed dismissive " Sounds good. Thanks."
She hurried back in my direction and I hurried towards the stairs instead.

Scarlet whined aggressively with the Nanny who was trying to burp him.

" Have they been angels?"

I enquired for both the ladies to gleam.
" Little tricksters!" The brown haired woman chuckled.

I picked up my Scarlet first rocking him and hugging him before doing the same with my rounder son Honey.

I lay them down on their floor mat before reading a story to them.

Time seemed to fly when I heard the knock at the door.

" Come in Arys." I called out only for the large man to sneak in with a grin on his face.

" Mr Light..."
I frowned at him " Shush!" I pointed at him and he exhaled " Sir..."
I pouted " I won't hear any excuses. I'm still angry at you!"
He sighed heavily as I glanced him over " I just ask that you apologise."

He smiled softly at me " Sir. I am deeply sorry."
I smiled back at him carrying my grumpy children ready to put them to bed.

At dinner I couldn't help but feel strange about the new head maid.

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