Thirty Five

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Unity bond day fell just at the beginning of Autumn.

It was a day to celebrate marriages and romances. It was a stronger more committed version of Valentine's where couples showed how close they really were. Love weekend however... Was the weekend following unity bond day.

It was a period where couples spent time away from the world, wrapped up in each others arms, in their own little world. Those who were ready would try for a family.
At least the married ones... I don't know what Carlen was planning on doing.

I'd turned it into a bad habit of longing... Staring down at my belly where baby cupcake should have been now.
It irritated me. It didn't help that I felt like a baby killer thanks to Reed's words.
I shook my head and tried to focus on the work in the folder.

It never stopped being irritating. Naiden sneaking in to see Carlen.
Carlen being a "lazy good for nothing" that he blamed me for being.
I pouted to myself and envied how much attention Carlen gave Naiden. He was constantly trying to seduce him or get his attention. I'm surprised  I'd never seen him hit Naiden unlike most buyers.

Thursday I climbed into Nord's car after being over Carlen and Naiden smooching at work non-stop.
Nord's eyes fell on me but I tried not to draw attention to myself.

Work was finally over but the last thing I wanted to think about was these upcoming three days.

Maybe I would stay home and garden or care for Mr White, the puppy.

Nord cleared his throat " You've yet to speak a word to me."
I chuckled " How was work?"
He sighed " Uneventful."
I nodded looking out of my car window " Sounds like a good day"

He hummed in turn.

When we got home, he placed his hands around my waist and guided me into our dining room.

" I need you to eat up nice and quick for me. We uh... We are gonna be heading out of town tonight."  His mouth pressed the words into the nape of my neck.

My eyes widened at him " Oh? Where are we going?"

He exhaled loudly running a hand through his hair " Not yet. Its a surprise."
I nodded " oh... A surprise...?"

He quietly kept glancing at me but continued to eat.
I on the other hand remained disinterested in food, the herbs coming across too strong. I struggled to eat anything with too much pepper, herbs or spice. Especially when I was ill.

It was late at night and yet our bags had been packed up for us.
Where were we going so late?

We sat down in the cold back of the car, Nord instantly pulled me to him and purred " Sleep. I'll wake you when we get there... But... You'll probably wake up right as we approach it. So sleep till then."
I nuzzled into his chest, his strong scent enveloping me.
I breathed in his warmth and exhaled comfort radiating through me.

Outside humming and whirring put me to sleep.

I awoke at five am with ease. It had become common practice. I looked around noticing Nord was awake.

" Hi.." I mumbled, and he tightened his grip on me.
" Hi baby."

I looked outside to notice we were on a bridge, Navy sky filled with dark clouds and in the distance a darker blue.

The ocean?

" Are we here?"
He chuckled " Mhm. Nearly "
I mumbled into his ear " Where have you brought me..."
He chuckled " Welcome to Seattle baby."
I looked out but couldn't see much in the dark. But the looming shadows of taller buildings fast came into view.

The hotel room was nice but I found it odd that we were staying somewhere with other people. Hell even the guards had come with us again.

He exhaled at long last as Col and Arys left our room, everything now unpacked.
" Its an important day... So I wanted to spend it away from everybody else."

I tilted my head at him unable to control the smile spreading on my face.
" You mean you wanted to spend the unity bond day together?"
He chuckled at my question avoiding me altogether.
" Yeah. Let's say that then."

I mumbled to myself " So what have you got planned then?"

He let out a low growl.
" Well. I wanted to see the things we should in Seattle first. Get that out of the way. Followed by...." He chuckled to himself before continuing "Well how about I surprise you."
I nodded at him. Genuinely excited for a change.

So having spent the morning in the hotel cafeteria we finally got out and went to a museum which Nord seemed completely absorbed in.

He smiled at me " Did I ever mention I know how to fly a plane?"

I tilted my head in mock amusement causing him to erupt in chuckles " What! I'm serious. My father was a pilot in the good old days."

I scoffed " The good old days. You're so old."

He giggled at my comment and I found his joy adorable in turn.

When I thought about it. This was our proper proper... First romantic day out. After all I'd completely avoided him on our honeymoon.

So far the romantic day would be rated 13.
For typical innocent teenage tourism.
Because that's what we had been doing so far. Not that I had anything against it.

Soon we made our way through some pretty parks and eventually visited the science museum which I had been excited about.

Science was always my passion before business and when I overheard the instruction " Take us to the science museum" I nearly lunged at my husband in a tackle.

At the science museum I'd found myself lost in the history. The developments and stories... And I felt crazy being so involved in something... So... Mundane. So... Taken for granted. So when I felt Nord push up against me, I looked up at him and sighed " Are you bored?"
He smiled at me.
" How can I be when you're having so much fun."

Needless to say... I turned away from him so he wouldn't catch me blushing.

Authors note:

Forgive me for the delay guys!!!!
I was sure I had uploaded this week I remember publishing but nah. Wattpad gotta play me dirty like that 😧😧😧😦😦😦


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