Twenty Eight

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I stared at my phone.

I'd been waiting for 10 minutes since my last text.


Mr White.

Mr White....

And nothing. I had rang him twice to try and speak with him and he'd told me to text.

I finally got annoyed of waiting.


...Really Light? I'm trying to work Darling.

Daddy... Pleaaaaase. Its already half six.... And I'm missing you.

What's the matter Light? Is everything okay at home?

Everything is fine, but Daddy is coming home late... When he promised to take me out... Do you know how mad that makes me.

Look baby. There's been a problem at work. Its not important but it is something that needs attention.

You're gonna have a problem at home. You see this is very important and you're not giving me very much attention.

Light... You are gonna be patient and I'll make it up to you.

I frowned at the words.
Yeah right, that was gonna help...

Y'know... I can be patient all day... But do you really wanna keep me in this state?

State? What state? Look baby... If this is about your emotional health I want you to know I am here 100 percent...

No...I'm feeling lots better but what I meant was... This...

Safe to say sending him pictures of my naked body wasn't helping and was probably gonna get him in trouble.

But he was the boss.
He'd live.

How long have you been like that?

Ugh. How can he react so calmly!?

Since you left... Sir.

Baby... Why are you like that?

What do you mean... Sir?

I could imagine him getting flustered and annoyed at me, staring at the picture.

Was baby having naughty thoughts? Or was baby enjoying his wedding present.

I couldn't help but groan.

More like I couldn't stop thinking about dinner with Daddy... And all the things he's gonna feed me.


Yeah Daddy?

N: Stop wasting my time. Have a shower and wait for me to get home.

I pout at the phone.
Failed mission.

Yes sir...

I hated him sometimes....

I decide to call my friend "Ore" who apparently recently got married too. She was my only female friend but she wasn't really female if anything.

" Hey beautiful!" Her clear boyish voice cheered.
" Hi..." I returned awkwardly, causing her to laugh.

" How is everything and to what do I owe this summoning?"

I exhaled " Well... My guy promised to take me out for dinner but he's staying back late cause of work. I wanted to know what you do with Feryn to get him home on time."

She sighed sounding distraught "Oh honey I don't bring Feryn home matter of fact that jerkface brings me home."

I chuckle at her words " Is he still a cold jerk?"
A scoff " You better believe it!"
I frowned " Well.. How would you go about getting a man to come home?"

She hummed in thought, a brief pause hovering over us "Have you.... Tried telling him the house is on fire?"

My jaw dropped " ORE!"
She chuckled " What!? I'm being serious. Feryn is so busy with shady work that I had to send him false alarms for a security breach, a kitchen fire, a butler kidnapping and a hospital visit. All just to get his ass to come home and see me."


I chuckled " You're joking... You're not that kind of girl."

She chuckled back "awww man. You know me too well light."

I cleared my throat.

" Maybe I'll just... Listen to Nord and behave myself."

She giggled "Do you know how to even do that?"

I smirked.

" I guess I don't."

Having turned on the computer in my private study I researched every thing I could about male pregnancy.

Supposedly it was difficult for males to get pregnant and moreso it was difficult for a survival rate because babies were just smaller. Men were not designed to have babies so the whole process was still a work in progress.

Thankfully there wasn't a fatality rate for expecting fathers like there had been for expecting moms in the past.

I bit my lip and sighed remembering how clueless I had been about our baby cupcake.

Naturally my hand fell on my stomach, feeling for some kind of emptiness.

Physically it wasn't noticeable.... But with all the symptoms having passed. The sensation of loneliness was overwhelming.

My phone buzzing disturbed my trance. I quickly answered it.

" Hi baby." He purred
" Hi!" I returned recognising Nord's voice.
He chuckled "Look, as promised we're gonna have dinner.... But with a few friends... It won't be stressful like last time. I promise."

My stomach filled with butterflies hearing his comforting words.
" But right now, I need you to wear something really smart okay. Dress really good for me... I have a surprise for ya."

I chuckled at his words " Yes sir."

He sighed " Good baby. I'll be home in half an hour."

I fought with everything in my wardrobe trying to find a likeable suit... And then... I saw a shirt with no buttons till half way down... And a black suit blazer and pants.

I smirked to myself. Let's see how he likes it. Leaving me aroused and hangry all day.
My hair had been growing longer now and it had gotten wavy. I combed it to one side and waited for daddy in the lobby.

However when the car arrived, the driver opened the door and pointed inward for me to get in.
Nord leered at me from inside " Come on then!"

I felt the butterflies all over again. I disliked his friends... But I was eager to spend more time getting to know him.

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