Surprise! Chapter Forty One

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" You know I used to hate five am's now I just hate the doctor." I stared hard at Doctor Richum.

He chuckled with a hint of nerves.
" Oh boy!"

Nord growled tightening his hold on my hand.
" Don't mind him... He's just grouchy because I suggested we get here earlier rather than later."
I looked up at him and caught him staring.

I couldn't help but smirk.
" Stop worrying!I'm fine."

Doctor Richum gleamed waving a tub in front of me
" Alright. So this is the jelly. We are just gonna smooth it over where your baby should be...  Quick warning it will be cold..."

I nodded biting my lip preparing for the wave of cold... And instead began focusing on the room around me.

I jumped up slightly looking back to notice Doctor Richum had started applying the jelly pretty quickly... And it was freezing.


I glared at him curious by his expression, he seemed lost for words...
" Huh.  That's unusual.." He chuckled, again laced with nerves.
" What is it!?" Nord growled at him

Doctor Richum remained quiet a moment before humming.
" Hmm... Well... You see here... This little beating thing."

I nodded " Is that baby?"
" That's Baby's heart."

Nord growled "But then what's that...."
He pointed at the screen at another odd small dot of movement and the doctor exhaled falling into whispers again.
" I..."

Nord was evidently annoyed on instant.
" So useless! If there's something wrong just tell me already!"

I felt anxious hearing the words  Something wrong...

He sighed " Its not something to be concerned about... I will have to speak with the head of the practise... I just want to be sure. But I do encourage the usual reminders. Eat well. Don't drink or smoke and notify me if you discover any heavy bleeding."

Nord growled " Let's go Light. I'm going to have words with doctor Callum. How could he choose now of all times to go on holiday!"

Doctor Richum helped to clear me up but the fact that Nord was in a bad mood and not even holding my hand or waiting for me began to stress me out...

I rubbed a hand over where our baby should be..

" You're gonna be okay... Little cupcake."

We sat in the back of the car as Nord sighed. His brows were knitted together as he rubbed a finger across his lip thoughtfully.

I bit my lip trying not to sound upset.
" I'm fine... Promise... He's gonna be okay promise."

He glowered at me " What about the scan just now... You heard him!"

I frowned " Nord... Trust me... He's going to be okay... We've been through this... Before in a way.... It doesn't feel the same... And hey I haven't been bleeding or doing anything stupid this time around."

He tried to smile, holding my hand in his.

I sighed " I love you."

The smile grew on his face.
" I love you more."

I chuckled at his words.

Once home Hikari brought a fruit platter to our bedroom as we prepared to rest.

I glanced at her " why can't I just eat cakes?"

She smiled picking up what remained on the platter.
Nord lay on the bed texting his doctor.

" Too much sugar will bring about a bouncing baby. We want one that has an excellent attention span sir."

I frowned getting up to use the restroom.

" Well hopefully the sugar will make him a cutie." I playfully stuck my tongue out looking over at my busy husband.

I swayed away into the bathroom hoping to distract Nord however looking back as I closed the door, he was still sprawled out on the bed texting away with a concerned look on his face.

Something didn't feel right.

Especially with doctor Richum's findings...
What was wrong with baby cupcake.

I sighed inhaling a deep breath before pulling down my pants.
And that's... When the fear kicked in.
Oh God...

" Nord!! NORD!!"

No this couldn't be happening, not again.
I began to panic.
Blood was on my underwear and some stained through my jeans a bit.

Breathing became difficult and I fell to the floor looking over my clothes whimpering in anger at myself.

Nord quickly came at the door with a bang " LIGHT!? LIGHT! Open the door now !"
I couldn't help but cry... Crawling over to the door. What had I done!?
" Nord... Our baby..."
He growled " Open the door Light!"
I inhaled sharply whimpering to myself... My body was still shaking as I sighed.

I pulled open the lock and moved away as Nord Slowly opened the door...
I clung to myself as he glared at me.
" What happened!? "
I sniffed between sobs "I don't know, but... But... There's blood!"

He frowned getting onto the floor and holding me to him in a quick scoop.
" Ohhhh babe... You realise a little blood is OK..."

I glared at him.
" Really!? Wait... Really?"
He hummed pressing kisses to my neck " Mhm... These little specs here are normal during pregnancy baby... Its just a lot of blood we gotta worry about.... Come on gorgeous... Sit up... Sit up babe."
I sat up against his chest as he held me tighter, rocking me and pressing a kiss to my head.

" I've got some news for you..."
I sniffed looking back at him.
" Is our baby okay?"
He chuckled into my neck.
" He's more than okay... He's got company with him."

I glared at him " Wait what!?"
He chuckled holding me tighter " My doctor had a look at the pictures baby... We're having two little cupcakes."

I laughed up at him " Hey Nord?"

He smiled, blue eyes glinting in the light.
" Yeah sweety?"

I chuckled " You're a terrible liar!"
He smirked back at me " That's because I'm not lying baby.. We are having two babies."

Oh God he wasn't joking.
How was I gonna handle two babies! One was hard enough on the female body never mind the male body!

" That other thing we saw was another heartbeat. He's a little smaller but he's alive and beating."
He smiled down at me and I stared at him.

" We're having... Twins?"
He chuckled " Yeah baby. We are."

-Authors note-



30 points to whoever can guess what Light's gonna name these heathens.


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