Fifty Seven

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" Style is how you dress yourself. How you wanna be seen. Whether that's for daddy or for someone new, catch their eye. Aim for the centerpiece!"

I scribbled down notes onto a sheet.

I made a quick glance at Scarlet who was grunting furiously beside me.

I picked him up as to comfort him as Naiden continued, playing with Honey's little fingers.
" The second thing is seduction. God almighty you need to learn to loosen up, lighten up and treat things like a game. Be a tease for Gods sake!"

I pressed a kiss to Scarlet trying to scribble around him onto the pad.

" Third thing Suave, dude. You gotta think... I'm sexy. But you're not a toy. Even toys have self worth. Don't give all the milk away for free. Be wise, and carry yourself with dignity yeah?"

I mumbled ""

Scarlet groaned slapping at the pen in my hand.

I couldn't help but chuckle quickly picking him up and bouncing around the room " Yes. Yes. We like all the attention... Yes I know!"

Naiden smiled staring down at Honey " They're so special Light..."

I glanced over at him and he was smiling with kind eyes at me " You have no idea how lucky you are... You should fight for what you have."

And for a moment... I couldn't stop thinking about Nord's smiles.

It hurt so much to think about it but he clung to me after I left the first time.

He protected me when I was minutes away from killing Reed.

He looked after our sons when I wasn't around.

So... When Naiden left... I put into action...

Plan scare off competition.

I had to be fierce.


I'd borrowed some clothes from Naiden, clothes that revealed way too much of my legs and waist.

Long boots covered most of my legs though and I ruffled my hair as Nord arrived home.

Mika... was already in the lobby as I sat down... with both legs up on the couch, sitting like a proud feline.

Safe to say I felt a little shaky, Naiden had put make up on me and I looked like Cleopatra.
He simply rolled his eyes at me and told me the bronzer created cheekbones.

What the hell was a bronzer!?

I could hear the cars pulling up and instantly began to tug and play with my neck length hair.

I took out my mobile phone pretending to be disinterested so when Nord came in and Mika was chasing after him, I felt like I was losing badly.

Nord quietly followed her into the main building without even looking back at me.

I felt ugly all of a sudden.
This wasn't me at all. But I had to do something.

I remembered Naiden's words.
Don't take it serious. Its a game.

We are... Separated so to speak and I could do as I pleased!

I crept back in staying out in the hallway as Mika persisted to bother Nord.

I scoffed focusing on all my counterproductive thoughts.
What if he liked it?

Ugh Light! Why did I have to be born such a worrier!
Mika chuckled " Right away sir let me get you your dessert."

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