Forty Five

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Lunch was quiet. Nord glanced up at me every now and then. But mostly he kept his lips pursed. Evidently pissed off at me.

Hey, none of my ex lovers were threatening to hurt our babies.

I cleared my throat remembering another key detail.

" So... I spoke with Hikari regarding her health. You never told me... She was suffering here."

He glowered up at me dropping his cutlery onto the table.

" Hikari does things her own way Light. None of it had anything to do with keeping things away from you. She chose for information to be kept personal. I had no hand in it. She's always been one who prefers her business to remain hers alone."

I bit my lip glaring into those ferocious eyes. Oh he was still angry.

I exhaled wiping my lips on the handkerchief.
" Good. Cause I'm gonna go see her first thing tomorrow."

I got up only to hear him groan " You really do things how you want. Did you even consider that she is all the way on the coast! And I have an important business meeting tomorrow! How do you know you're not just being an inconvenience to everyone around you!?"

I glanced over my shoulder at him, he was still sat there seething.

I scoffed " Well. She told me she has little time left. I'm not asking you to come with me. I was just telling you... I'm going."

He growled " And my boys!?"
I stuck my nose up at him.

" I'll leave them in Arys and Winona's capable hands."
He scoffed " Do what you want then!"
And back he went to focusing on his food with a frown on his face.
" If anything happens to Scarlet or Honey I'm holding you accountable Light."

Safe to say when I went to see Hikari, I couldn't take Arys or Colin so I was joined by a man called Eshton.

Eshton was a tall young man, in contrast to the older superiors.
He was probably the same age as me but God did he gab.

" So Arys told me he couldn't handle it! Did I mention he is a big baby around spiders. Dude! He's such a tough guy and yet one teeny tiny spider and the guy freaks. Its given me and Col a good laugh here and there. Safe to say you'd never catch Col running from creepy crawlies. That dude can take down a dragon."

Wow. People like this existed huh?

The town Hikari had gone to was a quiet place near the ocean.

And safe to say the colder weather now wouldn't be fair to her. So when I did arrive at her friends home, I was surprised to learn her friend owned quite a comfortable home, another Japanese woman in her forties lived there with her family.

I reminded myself however I wasn't here to be a burden. I didn't have to be...

Eshton was instantly a conversationalist with everyone.

In the meantime I had snuck to the backroom where Hikari was having lunch. I realised I'd never seen the woman eat before.

She had eyebags today looking slightly pale. I smiled at her on arrival.
" How are you?"

She smiled " Very happy to see you sir."

I sat down beside her remembering the bag in my hands.

" I uh... Bought you some peaches. Winona mentioned you liked them."

She nodded quietly with a smile.

" Do you like it here sir?"

I nodded " Its very serene."

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