For Ore

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"Who is he?"
My guard, Hanas glared at me with grey sharp eyes.

" Sir that is a woman."

I growled watching the black and white stick insect of a woman, with no form or curves perform like a hippie on stage.

It irritated me beyond good grief.
Is this what reputable men were expecting their daughters to grow up like!?

I growled at Hanas.
" Find out who her father is. Find out if he's a friend, foe or stranger. I need to slap sense into him."

Hanas scoffed "Sir, all this over a girl!?"
I growled at him " Not just any girl, Hanas. I am going to make her MY girl. And if you wanna keep your life never mind your fucking job you'd move your ass right now."

He leered at me with a look of mortification but didn't dare to argue, he hurried off leaving me to watch her pounce around on stage as if she were some male rock star.
Girls and boys seemed to find her likeable. Older men and women whispered about what they would like to do with her.

That was insult enough.
If I were a cat I'd be licking the open wound.

If that was my girl, I would beat some common sense into her.



" Ore! I need you to behave! Listen to me woman!"
I glanced up at the angry eyes of the worried old man. As he stared at me watching me from the other chair in the Lounge.

I huffed removing my earphones from my ears and placing my Myusic player down on the desk.

" Yeah? What is it Satan?"
He glowered " Woman control your mouth! I need you to listen to me and I need you to listen right now! I have found you a suitable partner."

I glared at his balding figure.
" Which dumb shit wants to marry me!?"
I scoffed sitting back in my chair.
He mumbled under his breath.
" That's what I ask myself all th...Look Ore. I know you're not about being one way or another. And your lifestyle doesn't make sense to me."
He frowned hard at me.
" But God help me young lady if you shut up and marry this man you can live your life as a turtle should you choose it!"
I smiled sucking on a lollipop.
" Sure. Do I get to meet him before we do the I do's or are we doing this the old fashioned way."

" Of course we're doing it the old fashioned way." He chimed staring down at the letter.
" Bloody heck here we go..." I added.
" The wedding will be tomorrow. You will meet your groom at the altar. And so help me God you will meet him at the altar."

I perched my leg over my other leg.
" Okay i have a serious question."
My fathers eyes widened at me.
" Yes Ore?"

"Shall I wear my Tuxedo or my Indiana Jones Costume?"
He slapped a hand to his forehead.
" For Christ's sake you.... "

" Why do I have to wear a dress!?"
Chary smirked at me teasingly "Because you gotta make a man like you one way or another."
I rolled my eyes " Men don't like clothes, otherwise they'd marry them instead of me. Besides. Clothes don't have a gender. I wanna wear my tux!"

She groaned sighing at me " Sweety. If you wear the Tux he might be offended, and may just start shooting up the church. Which we REAAALLY don't want right now."

I scoff " Oh he's one of those sorts is he?"
She hummed fighting with all the strings of my dress " What? "
I frown " Yknow... Violent.. Mafia dudes. Total assholes."
She hushed me " Well... Just don't address him as that at the altar OK?"

I nodded inhaling when I realised my heart was pounding.
" What's the guy's name again?"
" Feryn." She purred " Feryn Marek"

The church was lit up like it usually was for weddings. As I walked down, a little too fast I realised my father was glaring at me trying to slow me down.
" With grace!" He huffed through gritted teeth. I frowned and walked slower, realising my dress was a trip hazard.

The man at the front was tall, with olive toned skin and faded brown hair that was swept to the side.

His eyes were sharp greens as they fixed on me and I felt the sickness churn.

Yeah, so what. He was hot, this guy was one of those who volunteered to marry my ass cause he saw me somewhere and thought " Yeah I'd totally tap that."
But I shake away the thought.

Approaching him I realised he was taller than both me and my dad. The latter holding my hand out to " Feryn" who nodded and took my hand.

This was important. If his hold was too strong it meant he was gonna be a total asshole.
Whereas if he was barely touching me I'm pretty sure he was probably dreaming about eating meat.

He took my hand firmly and pulled me along. Oooooh okay.
Mr Shut up and listen to me.
Well at least dad and daddy only happen to be two letters apart.
So did these two morons.

" Do you Feryn Marek take Ore Dianne Dupont....."

" I do." His voice was low like a wolfs and his tone was stern, confident even.
I shifted in place feeling the nerves get to me. This guy was gonna be dad plus rage times two wasn't he?

He glanced up to look at me, his eyes were like daggers.

Oh shit. He was.

-Authors Note-

Hello lovelies. Just a quick appreciation note.

Thank you for every read, vote and comment. I appreciate your interest as you can probably tell... I'm working on some other perspectives from the Objects Universe.

Next chapter we return with Light and Nord.

Until then though.


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