Chapter 11

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"Now remember! Trust your partner and everything will go well". The instructor tells us. Of course my partner is Bakugou, because what else? I start climbing up the rock wall, mostly Bakugou pulling me up. I slip, letting out a yelp.

"Oi! Watch your bloody step!". Bakugou snaps at me. "Sorry!". I apologize. I grab onto a ledge, the rock falling out from the wall. "AH!". I cry, falling off the side of the wall. I get yanked, hanging on the side of the mountain.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?". Bakugou yells at me. I try grabbing the mountain, but I keep scraping my hand. "GRAB THE FUCKING MOUNTAIN!!!". He yells at me. "I'M TRYING!!". I yell back at him.

I spot a small plant growing on the side, I reach for it and grab it. I grab onto the mountain, starting to climb once again. "STOP GOING SO SLOW!!". Bakugou growls at me. "This isn't a race!". I tell him.

"FUCK THIS!". He snaps. With one hard pull, I fling up into the air and to the top of the mountain, landing in Bakugous arms. My eyes widen and my face heat up like crazy. He tsks, dropping me on the dirt ground.

"How in the world did you do that?". I question him, standing up and dusting off my butt. "I'm strong, dumbass". He answers, turning his head away. "I doubt a 16 year old is strong enough to pull a person up a mountain in one go...". I mutter.

"Excuse me?". He growls, turning to me. I put my hands on my hips, my turn to turn away from him. "Just forget I said anything". I sigh out. He growls at me in annoyance, sounding more like a dog then a human.

"What was that about...". I mutter under my breath, making sure that he didn't hear me. "What was that?". He snaps at me again. "How did you even hear me?". I ask him. "You where talking loud, dumbass". He answers.

Was I really talking that loudly? No, I shouldn't have been. Even I could barely hear what I said. What's up with him? Does he have some sort of magical super hearing ability? Or am I just going crazy? Both maybe?

Once I get out of my train of thought, I notice the other teams have finished climbing up, Pony and Neito coming up last. The instructor congratulates Bakugou and I climbing up first, not even questioning the sudden hard pull.

After that, it was my turn to pull Bakugou up. It didn't take long or any of my help, he climbed up the mountain with no effort. He smirks as he dusts off his dirt covered hands, then looks at me. "That's how you climb a fuckin' mountain". He says cockily.

I look at him in amazement and awe, even though I was annoyed by his cockiness. "How did you do that? That was so cool!". I ask him. "I grew up in these damn woods. Climbing a damn mountain is nothing". He answers.

"You're like one of those over powered characters in movies! Like Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Arnold Schwarzenegger,-". He cuts me off. "Shut up, damn movie nerd". He growls. I thought he'd take what I was saying as a compliment.

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