Chapter 10

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"We're here". Mr.Aizawa tells us, the bus door opening. We all get off the bus, seeing the camp sight. The air smells so fresh, I guess I can say it's refreshing. Heh, I'm funny. We meet up with Class 1-B, the teachers standing in front of us.

"Alright everyone, here's your room assignments. The cabin will mix of both 1-A and 1-B". Mr.Aizawa explains. He reads out the dorms, I'm with Momo, Itsuka, and Pony. On my way to my cabin, I notice that Bakugou is with Eijirou, Tetsutetsu, and Neito, their cabin across from us.

I rush over to Momo, my suit care clicking behind me. We get into the cabin with the other girls, seeing that the cabin has two bunk beds and just enough room for our bags. I see Momo and Itsuka setting up their bunks. I think it's called bunking.

Momo on the bottom and Itsuka on the top. "Hey!". Pony grabs my attention. "I guess we'll have to bunk! You can chose if you want top or bottom". She tells me with too much enthusiasm. "I guess bottom". I answer.

I've never bunked with someone, nor slept on a bunk bed. I slide my suitcase under the bed and place my backpack on the bed. "I've never been camping before, what's it like?". I ask the girls, starting a conversation between us all.

"You'll be moving around a lot. So as advice, make sure to wear boots or sneakers". Itsuka tells me. "It's so fun! They do this in junior high as well, so this camp is all to familiar". Momo answers. "You'll have so much fun!". Pony answers, looking at me upside down from above.

"I sure hope so!". I say happily. "By the way, I got our timetable and we're cabin 5 and we'll be teaming up with cabin 6". Momo explains. I look out the window and look for cabin 6, it's the one across from us. THAT'S BAKUGOUS CABIN!!! I silently panic, but keep a straight face.

After we're done unpacking, we're told through the speakers to meet up in the mess hall to meet up with our teams. We sit at a table, the boys sitting with us. I don't know why I'm panicing about Bakugou, he feels safe yet his personality is sometimes terrifying.

Mr.Yagi stands in front of the mess hall, other teachers standing to the side. "Welcome to this years camp, young students! Now that we're all here, we shall start the activities!". He tells us in a friendly yet booming voice and a lot of enthusiasm.

Cabin 1&2 hiking
Cabin 3&4 kayaking
Cabin 5&6 rock climbing
Cabin 7&8 rafting
Cabin 9&10 trivia

"Remember, the goal is for all of you to work together! And to not need help from the instructors, only call them if needed!". He finishes. Rock climbing? What's the point in climbing rocks. The groups start heading to the destination, I just follow behind my group

"Are ya' exited?". Pony asks me. "To be honest, I have no idea what rock climbing is. It sounds pretty self explanatory, but I still don't get it". I admit to her. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it". She tells me. "I hope I get all of this".    

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