Chapter 5

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(Imma just gonna say that Toru has shoulder length brunette hair and blue eyes and that Mina just has tanned skin with normal yellow eyes, cuz that's the fan art I saw so shrug)

I stand up when I hear a knock. I open the door and see Itsuka and Ibara, along with a large group of girls. "Ready to go?". Itsuka asks. "Yep". I nod. We leave the house and walk down to the street.

"Guys, this is (Y/n) Kayama". Itsuka tells the girls. "(Y/n), this is Ochaco Ururaka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jirou, Mina Ashido, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Kinko Komori, Pony Tsunotori, Reiko Yanagi, Setsuna Tokage, and Yui Kodai". Ibara says, pointing to each girl.

I nervously sweat drop at the greenette. That's a lot of names to remember, but I should be good. "Nice to meet you all". I greet them, sending them a little wave. They send me their own greets to me. "Should we start going?". Ochaco suggests.

The other girls nod and start walking, I follow close behind. "Where're we going?". I ask Ibara. "To the shopping street. It'll be a good chance for you to get school books and pens". She explains. Guess that's handy.

Time Skip

The group of us girls sit around two round table joint together. "So, what's the school like?". I ask the girls. "It's nice. I'm sure you'll have fun". Momo tells me. "It kinda determines what class you're in". Kyoka stats.

"Do you know what class you'll be in?". Toru asks. "No". I ask simply. "I hope you'll be in our class! We can be even more of friends!". Mina tells me enthusiastically. "Yeah! We can all have sleepovers! Go shopping! Talk about cute boys!". Toru adds, giggling happily.

"We don't have to be in the same class to be friends, we can all be friends". I tell the two. "That's true, you have a fair point". Tsuyu agrees with me. "It's getting late, we all should start heading home". Yui suggests.

We wish each other good bye, and I start heading home with Itsuka. The sun is start, pinks and reds shading everything. I turn to Itsuka, wanting to start a conversation with my neighbor and become more friendly.

"Who else lives on our street? Like other neighbors". I ask her. "Oh, well Kyoka and Yui live at the bottom of the hill. A classmate of mine lives next to me. A teacher, aka your aunt. And some elderly couple". She answers.

We arrive at our houses, standing between them. "I'll see you tomorrow?". Itsuka asks. "Yeah, it sounds fun". I agree. "Bye!". "See'ya!". We bid each other farewell and walk into our homes. As soon as I walk in, I see mother asleep on the sofa.

I grab a blanket and cover her with it, her sleeping face smiles. I smile to myself, then walk into my room. I see a sandwich sitting on my bed. I walk over and see that it's fresh. Mother must have made it for me for when I got back.

"Thank you, mother".

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