Chapter 26

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It's late, and I'm so ready for bed. I plop down on my bed and check the time on my bedside clock, it's almost midnight. I turn off the light and shut my eyes. Before I fade into darkness, I hear little light taps on glass.

I sit up and turn towards the window, seeing little rocks hitting the glass. I stand up and look out the window, it's Katsuki. I open the window and lean against it. "It's late, shouldn't you be home?". I ask, a little cranky.

"Come on, we're gonna have some fun". He tells me with a smirk. "And nice tits". He snickers. Damn single! A treat and a blessing. I cover my chest with my arms. "Don't be such a pervert". I scold him.

"And Katsuki, I need sleep and so do you". I tell him, crossing my arms. "Only an hour". He offers. "30 minutes". "50". "40". "Deal". He agrees. I quickly slip on some jeans and climb out the window, Katsuki catching me before I hit the ground.

He puts me down and turn into a wolf. He turns to me, then to his back. "A ride?". I question, he nods. I climb onto his back and hold onto his soft fur tight. He sprints into the woods, I wrap my arms around him for a better hold.

Bushes and trees graze us as he runs, it's kinda scary. He stops in a holt, knocking me off. He nuzzles at me, I give him a thumbs up. "I'm okay". I reassure him. He walks out of the woods and into a cliff side clearing.

He howls into the night sky, the moon shining brightly behind him. I walk over and sit on the edge, my legs dangling over. I hear other howls off in the distance, like a choir. Katsuki turn back into a human, sitting down next to him.

"This is what I wanted to show you". He tells me, not turning to look at me. "I can tell, and it's beautiful". I tell him. "Not as beautiful as you". He chuckles. "Where'd you hear that from? A cliché?". I giggle. "Shut up". He growls, literally.

I giggle again and rest my head on his shoulder, he laces his fingers with mine. "I never knew you could be so romantic". I say softly. I hear him tsk. "Don't worry, it's a good thing". I tell him. He turns to me, I look up at him. "I want to make pups with you".





"WH-WHA?!!?". I question, my face turning beet red. His eyes widen at his own words, his face turns dark red as well. "DON'T JUST SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT OUT OF THE BLUE!!!". I snap at him. I turn away and cover my face with my hands, freaking out.

"EH?! WHY'RE YOU OVER REACTING!??!". He questions. "Because you're asking another teenager to". I tell him, still not looking at him. "Is it that big of a deal?". He asks, raising an eyebrow. "It's not that discussed in schools in the city". I tell him.

"'s just that...I'm not ready". I tell him, turning to him. "Sex or pups?". "BOTH!".  I snap. "I mean, we're only teenagers and I've never had sex, I'm just not ready or feeling it". I admit. "So I'm not hot enough?". He asks, a cute confused look on his face.

"You are hot! I just want to wait for the right time, the right place, and to be at the right age". I explain. "I just hope you can understand, I'd hate for it to ruin our relationship". I add. "So, sex before marriage?". He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Yes".

My Mate.( WerewolfBakugou X HumanReader)Where stories live. Discover now