Chapter 29

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*knock knock knock*

The familiar front door opens, revealing Mitsuki. "Oh, (Y/n)! I'm guessing you're here to see Katsuki". She says happily. "Yeah. Somethings happened and I want us to make up". I tell her. "What did he do?". She asks in a slight growl. 

"I'm sorry, Mitsuki. But this is between Katsuki and I, so I'd prefer it stay between the two of us". I explain to her. "Don't worry, I understand". She tells me. She lets me inside, I quickly rush up to Katsukis room.

*knock knock*

"Katsuki...It's (Y/n)". I say. He opens the door, staring down at me. "What!?". He snaps. "I overreacted yesterday, but you should respect my final decision". I tell him. "I know". He says. Wait, wha?

"I'm a jerk, an asshole, and I'm sorry". He apologizes. He apologized?  "It's's mating season and-". I interrupt him. "It's okay, I completely understand! I thought that that would be the reason, so it's all okay now!". I tell him.

He puts his hand on my head, ruffling my hair. "You're an idiot, you know that, right?". He chuckles. I giggle, sending him a bright smile. "Yep! I completely know that!".

Time Skip

"So, everything between you and Katsuki are better now?". Mum asks me, handing me a cup of coffee as she works her shift. I've never been to my mums work, so now I know that she works at an old style restraint. Like an 80s style, I really like it.

"Oh yeah, totally! He's just going through some stuff, so I talked it out with him and everything is all better now". I tell her. "I'm happy that you're happy". She tells me with a smile. "I hope he's the one. It seems like you've gone through a lot together even after a short amount of time". She says.

"Trust me, God knows that he's the one". I tell her, taking a sip of my coffee. She chuckles at me. "Besides romance, what job do you feel like is the one?". She asks, giving me a refill. "I...I dunno. I want to do something creative in a poetic way". I explain to her, taking a sip.

"Then why not be a writer? Even in this small town there should be a good place to get a writing degree". She explains. "A writer? I mean, I've always loved to write to myself but never do it professionally". I tell her.

"Tell you what. If you pass school here and get all As in Japanese, English, and writing, I'll let you take a train into the city to become an author". She tells me. "The city? I dunno. I've been gone from the city for two-three months now". I tell her.

"You got 3 years". She waves it off to me. But would it be the best for my relationship with Katsuki? Can't take a wolf out of the wood. "I mean, what if I have to stay in the city? What about Katsuki? He grew up in this town, and I don't want to alienate him". I tell her.

"You really are serious about your relationship, aren't you?". She questions. "Completely". I answer her. "Why don't you just take him into the city and spend the day there? You'd know your way around, it should be fine". She tells me. "Maybe...".

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