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The car Tord was in couldn't go any faster. They were zooming through a field on their way to the confinement centre.

He had people scouting the area for the intruders. Apparently they had taken about 10-15 innocents with them so it wouldn't be hard to find them, well it shouldn't have been however they couldn't find a trace of them. As if they just disappeared. It took a while to actually figure out that they had intruders, but by the time they realised, it was too late.

There were a few injuries to the soldiers guarding the area. He couldn't be 100% sure but it might have something to do with Tom. He said he wouldn't intentionally hurt any Red Army Soldiers but would do if necessary.

Also the fact that they're only taking innocents and not killing any soldiers just proves that even more.

They stopped at the centre and Tord entered, going straight to where wounded soldiers were being held to ask them questions.

"Welcome sir" said a first aider soldier tending to the wounded.

"I want to speak with the soldiers on guard duty." The first aider nodded and left so he could speak. "Do you remember what any of the intruders looked like? What they were wearing?"

"I remember them wearing masks and jumpers. They didn't look to be in any uniforms like we do." Tord nodded, about to walk away but the soldier tugged at Tords coat "one of the intruders gave me this" he handed Tord an envelope that had 'Red Leader' written on the front. "The weirdest thing was that the person who gave it to me stared right into my eyes. Eyes that held regret."

Tords gaze hardened on the letter as he turned back to the soldier "thank you, get some rest soldier."

"Thank you Red Leader."

Tord tucked the envelope in his coat and made his way to the meeting with the leaders of that confinement centre.

The meeting proved unhelpful as they basically just said the same as what the injured soldier had told him. They had increased the guards that were stationed outside in case of more intruders.

They decided they were going to go back to the main camp in America. Whilst in the car, Tord decided to read whatever was in the envelope.

Dear Tord,
       As you may probably have guessed, it was my group that had taken the innocents. I bet you can guess now what our motives are, if not then you aren't as clever as i thought.
   We aren't stopping until our task is complete, or any other circumstances occur. I know that me asking to leave us alone will fall upon deaf ears but I don't want you thinking this group is some petty, weak thing because it's all serious.
    Anyway. Take care. 
    Thomas Timston.

Tord put the letter back into the envelope and back in his coat. He stared out of the window in thought. So Toms group is taking innocents. So if they are going to different confinement centres held by the Red Army, they were going to go to the closest one to the one they had just been at.

Now they wouldn't get there in time however the closest centre to the one they might strike next may be their next destination. So if they travel there now, they may make it in time.

With that Tord turned to his radio and radioed the other cars travel with them "head to confinement centre 3. They might strike there next."

Without argument, they all turned and headed to centre 3. It was one of their biggest holding around 35 thousand innocents. The one they had just been too was the smallest with a mere 900 people.

So they made sure to let the leaders of centre 3 Knew about their arrival.

As expected they welcomed Their leader and after telling them about what was going on, they set up more soldiers. Prepared in case anything happened.

He also went and let the other confinement centres know about the situation.

All they needed to do was wait and see what time will bring them.

Letters from himWhere stories live. Discover now