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Tom opened his eyes slowly adjusting to the light of his room. Realising a weight was on him he groaned and pushed at Tord.

"Ugh! Get off me you big oaf!" Somehow after their kiss Tom has fallen asleep with Tord practically on him.

"No, you're too comfy!" Tord whined and snuggled more into Tom.

"Yeah and you're too heavy! Get off!" Tord hesitantly rolled off Tom.

"What time is it?" Tord asked in a slurred manner, not completely awake yet.


Tord sat up abruptly and got off the bed. Thinking nothing of it Tom turned back over onto his side and closed his eyes. That was until he was being lifted into the air. Squealing a very manly squeal, in Toms opinion anyway, he looked to see the intruder was only Tord. Carrying him bridal style.

"What do you think you're doing!?"

"I'm still tired and my beds a lot comfier."

Tom just let himself be carried.

Once in Tords and Toms new room, Tord set him on the bed and walked off to start his nightly routine. All the whole Tom sat like a statue.

"You might want to get changed." So he did just that, changing into a pair of shorts and one of Tords jumper cause y'know that's what you do.

Satisfied they both went under the covers of the bed. Tord took it upon himself to gather Tom in his arms and snuggle tightly against him; sighing in contentment.

"I didn't think we'd be like this so soon."

Tom looked up from his position on Tords chest. "What do you mean?"

"well when you arrived, you weren't particularly cooperative."

"Well wouldn't you be if you were in my position."


"Yeah so shut up so I can sleep."

Tord chuckled as Tom put his head black on his chest. Kissing his head softly, both finally got some needed shut eye in each others arms.

Well Tom in Tords.


Cute lil chapter, it's more of a filler chapter but yeahhh ^^


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