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Tom was woken up to a very loud and obnoxious alarm.

'Huh that's funny I don't remember setting an alarm' he thought until he realised it wasn't a personal alarm but one that was blaring from the hallway. Curious as to what it was, he stepped towards the door and opened it slightly. Sargent Daniels was stood just outside the door just like last night.

"Uh...what's going on?" Tom asked thoroughly confused seeing as how no one was rushing around.

"Warning bell, sir. Wakes up all the soldiers." Sargent Daniels replied to Tom. "It will go off at 6:00am every morning besides Sundays where it will go off at 8:00am. You will go to breakfast where Red Leader will hold a quick meeting and then start your schedule. So get dressed and I'll escort you to the dining hall."

Tom only nodded and headed back in. Sargent Daniels had been outside his room since 5:00am seeing as how he was Toms personal bodyguard, he was permitted to be there early and leave him late.

Planning on getting back into his black jeans and blue jumper, he did a double take and went to peek into the closet. Sure enough, it was filled with a certain type of uniform.

He pulled out a blue long sleeved button up Shirt, a grey waistcoat and a simple pair or black trousers. He decided to stick to his oh so favourite checkered shoes.

Once changed, he opened the door to his bedroom and nodded to Sargent Daniels that he was ready. Just as he was about to start walking an arm shot out to stop him.

"You forgot something." The owner of the arm, Sargent Daniels, informed him. "Your tie."

Tom rolled his eyes and looked unimpressed. "Seriously."

"Trust me Red Leader won't be happy if you're not fully dressed."

"Yeah well he used to be my boyfriend, he knows how much I hate ties. He can suck it up." Tom told him.

"I'm sorry Sir, but he won't be happy at all. Not with me anyway for letting you go unequipped. So cut a guy some slack and just put on a tie." Sighing and really just having enough already, Tom turned to go back into his room.


Once put on a simple black tie, he was finally all set and off to get some very much needed breakfast.

As he followed Daniels through the dining hall, he couldn't help but notice almost every soldier had stopped eating in favour of staring at Tom. That made him uncomfortable.

Daniels led Tom to the front of the dining hall where a table was nicely displayed with Tord, a few other soldiers and the 2 he saw in the car sat at. There was an empty seat beside Tord. Tom came to the realisation it was meant for him.

"Secretaries are to be seated beside Red Leader." With a very gentle push he was on sent on his way towards that chair.

"Good morning Thomas, did you sleep well?" Tord asked as soon as Tom plopped down into the empty seat. He grunted in reply and gave a weak nod of the head.

Deciding not to question any further and leaving Tom alone, which he was thankful of, Tord turned to his right and started a conversation.

"Oh you're Red leaders new secretary! It's so nice to meet you!" The high pitched voice beside Tom startled him. He looked there and saw a youngish boy who couldn't be any older than 20 sat.

"Uh yeah hi." He simply replied.

"Oh how stupid of me! I'm sorry I tend to get excited a lot, especially when meeting new people!" The Boy chuckled and stuck out his hand to Tom "I'm Hunter."

Tom hesitantly shook his hand. Before he even got to say anything a plate was plopped down in front him with Toast, eggs, bacon and sausage on. Tom eyed it hungrily before looking at Tord. Even though he wanted nothing more than scoff it down, he didn't want to make a fool of himself and start eating before he was meant to. Though looking at Tord and seeing him already eating, he decided to start on his.

After breakfast he was told to follow tord to his office to get his schedule and necessities for his new job.

"This folder holds a tablet in which you can make notes and search for things online etc, it has a notebook for quick jot downs as the tablet make take time to set up and power on. You also have this radio type device it will allow you to contact anyone on the base. Any questions." Tord asked handing over the folder to Tom to get used to.


"You will address me as sir or Red Leader when we are in meeting or with other soldiers, otherwise you can call me whatever else."


"Don't push it Thomas." Tord rolled his eyes looking down at his paperwork. "So today I know that I have a meeting at 4:00pm so you'll come with me and take notes of important things. It's that easy. Though the next meetings you'll have to tell me them."


A few weeks had passed and Tom had seemed to be fitting in pretty well with his new job. However one day, like any other day, Tom was taking a break. He was enjoying the calm breeze that was blowing by as he sat under a tree.

That was until an alarm and shouting caught his attention somewhere from the front of the base. Then shots were being fired. Okay Tom was pretty oblivious to things but he'd been told previously that if he heard gun shots outside of the shooting range, there was something wrong.

He stood up aware and tried to get a look at the front. An explosion was heard which broke down a wall to Toms right. As he looked that way he saw a bunch of people with guns and a uniform storm in. Shooting at offending soldiers of the Red Army.

The Red Army seemed to be losing this little battle as the others came in and stared splitting up. One was running their way towards Tom, that was when he decided to start to try and run back to Red Leaders quarters.

Why did he have to tell Daniels to let him be!?

Before he could reach the door and scan his eye to get in, he felt a really bad pain in the back of his leg. That's all he felt before he blacked out completely.

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