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Tord paced around like a mad man. The soldiers around him doing their best to calm him down.

"Sir please calm down, you-" The solider brave enough to stand up and try to speak to his Leader was quickly grabbed by the collar, by said man, he and pushed against the wall.

The other few soldiers around tried to intervene but the one being pinned held a hand out to stop them. "Know your place solider."

"And my place is to make sure that my leader is satisfied with our duty's. What can we do to help sir?" Tord let go of the soldier and ran a tired hand down his face.

"How many soldiers have gone missing?" Tord looked back with the unmistakable glint of hurt in his eyes.

The soldier looked to a clipboard with the names of people who have gone missing "29, including Tom, Sargent Daniels, Todrick, Pilot Spencer, Adams and Andrew. The other 23 were soliders that had almost finished their training with Matt."

"This isn't a coincidence. Someone is leading them." Then a thought struck Tord. They were Matts trainees so maybe he could ask him about the missing soldiers whereabouts. "Where is solider Edd and Matt?"

"Last I saw them they were in the training part but that was a few hours ago. They like to go up onto the hill with that blossom tree."

Tord nodded appreciatively and walked out.

On the way he had to walk through the courtyard, the statue of the Red Army statue stood proudly in the centre. Though it was a white envelope that glinted in the sun, that caught Tords attention. He walked over with big steps and plucked it from its spot.

Toms handwriting greeted him as the front simply read "Tord"

Intrigued but a bit nervous, he opened up the letter and read

Dear Tord,
I know my decision to leave was very sudden but I need to do this. I'm not going against the Red Army and we've made a pact not to physically hurt any members of the Red Army. However, if it is necessary to defend ones self then so be it.
I'm going off to America with trusted soldiers with a plan that is Top Secret. Soldiers that will protect me in case you were worried about my well being.
I know that I have just gotten used to you and my new found love for you has just blossomed but like I said I need to do this. Peoples lives are depending on me. Maybe if you had listened to my ideas, this could've been avoided.
Again, I'm sorry it had to come I to this but we will hopefully see each other again whether that he 10 weeks or 10 years. Depending on how long it takes to complete the task. Or depending on how long America or Red Army surrenders.
I love you Tord.

Tord was right, it wasn't a coincidence and Tom is the leader of all of this.

Continuing on his search for Matt and Edd, he spotted them on the hill where the soldier said they would be. He stormed on over an angry expression on his face.

Both soldiers stood as their leader and friend approached. "Did you know about this!?" Tord held out the letter to Matt and Edd.

Edd took it and read it, Matt reading from over his husbands shoulder. They looked back up at Tord with a guilty expression.

"Yes but-"

"You knew and didn't think to tell your leader!?"

"We told you to protect Tom! He's our best friend and he asked us to keep this a secret!" Edd defended himself from behind Matt after he pushed the smaller boy behind him.

"This isn't a game Edd! Toms life is in danger and all you care about is petty promises. Where is he!?" Tord took a step forward and Matt flashed a glare to ward him off but Tord was in such blind rage he wasn't threatened.

"I don't know. All I know is he's off to America."

"You know his plans?"

Edd went silent and didn't dare speak of Toms plans. Tord having enough called up some nearby guards on standby in case Edd or Matt was the hurt their Leader.

"Guards, take Edd and Matt to the confinement area. Separate them. Until they tell me where Tom is and what his plans are, keep them in there."

As the soldiers grabbed Edd and Matt, they didn't struggle as there was no point these guards wouldn't let them go.

"I thought we were friends!?" Edd shouted, calling Deja Vu in his head.

Tord didn't respond just simply walked toward a room to call other soldiers and come up with a plan to get his lover back.

Letters from himWhere stories live. Discover now