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Tom groaned and sat up. After a moment of adjusting his eyes to the light, he realised he couldn't see a thing. A bit panicked he put his hands up to his face to grab at the intruding thing covering his eyes. Upon further exploration he found there was nothing there.

"What the?" Was he blind. Or did his eyes need more time to adjust.

"Oh I see you have woken." A voice interrupted his thoughts. "Don't look too worried Thomas we aren't going to hurt you...maybe."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Tom asked incredulously.

"If you are willing to comply there is no need to hurt you. If you refuse we will be reduced to do so."

Tom stayed silent. He heard the owner of the voice shuffle, flinching when he felt who hands tilting his head to the side.

"Hmm. Seems you have gone blind Thomas."

No shit Sherlock.

Thomas always knew one day he'd actually go blind due to the lasers he took to as a kid. A simple game of laser quest proved otherwise after feeling the effects of the laser hit his eyes. To anyone else, it would've been fine but for the man with abnormal eyes, it had a different impact. The stress of what's been happening in his life may have been the cause of the sudden loss of sight.

"We do have something that'll help you see again. Might take getting used to but it'll hopefully be worth it."

Tom simply nodded and kept silent. If he was going to get out unscathed, he have to obey their rules.

"We will have to put you into to surgery to adjust the sight section of your brain. We will be able to insert an extra piece that will connect with a set of goggles."

Staying completely silent, Tom just sat there as the voice continued.

"We've treated the wound on the back of your leg. One of our soldiers shot you with a tranquilliser. So you won't be able to walk very well for the next couple of weeks. Not that you'll have to much."

Tom was really confused. So they personally set out to get him? How did they know about him having relations to Tord? He hadn't been with Tord for 5 years.

All these questions swirling in his head made him feel somewhat light headed until darkness greeted him once more.

After a few hours Tom was woken up once again, this time with a pain in his head. When he brought his hand up to inspect the pain, it skimmed a weird object across his face.

It hit him then that he could in fact see and that he must've already gone through the surgery for his blindness.

Tom looked around the room he was in, expecting it to be a somewhat hospital room. However, he could tell he was in quite an elegant room if he does say so himself.

The bed he was in had silky Sheets with the bed itself being a four posted bed. There was a desk in the room with various papers on it, a wardrobe and lots of other pieces of furniture. Like Tords room it had 3 doors, one leading to the bathroom, one to a closet and the exit. There was also a balcony from what he could see.

He sat up just as the door leading out opened.

A man with a uniform walked in, his head held high. He must've been the leader of the soldiers that raided the Red Army Base as he had that uniform on but with a band around the upper arm.

"Good morning Thomas. I have reason to believe you can see now yes?"

Tom nodded slowly.

"Excellent! My soldiers did good. You must be very confused as to why you're here. Don't worry I'll explain." Tom sat quietly as the man continued. Sitting at the foot of the bed Tom was on. "My name is Jared. I am the leader of the purple army, you will refer to me as Purple Leader. You are here at the purple base after my soldiers had taken you a few days ago."

"But the purple army didn't have anything against the red army." Tom wondered aloud. So why did they capture Tom?

"Doesn't go to say we had deals with other Armies." Jared smirked. "Of course we all want to take over Red. Though it is simply impossible. So why wouldn't we get the chance with joining another army?" 

Tom just sat there in silence, he had nothing to say.

"We teamed up with yellow army to take down Red. What other way than to break his walls down, literally, than to take his one prized possession. With you gone he will do all he can to take you back. That'll mean having his guard down. So while that's happening and they have to come here. We will be ready."

Of course he knew Tord could be very irresponsible sometimes, however he needn't worry too much. Red Leader led a very powerful army and he wasn't going to say it to Jared but he always came prepared. Whether it was for a meeting or a war.

"Of course we have to wait until he comes so you'll be staying in this room. If I was you I wouldn't try and get out because there is simply no way to escape. I will have someone bring you guys dinner."


And only then did he realise the sleeping figure next to him.


"Oh this little twink? My soldiers couldn't help but take him, they wanted some stress relief." Jared had a wicked grin on his face.

"Touch him and you will regret it." Tom promised. If anyone was to touch Hunter he wouldn't let them live it down. He didn't want to know what they would do but he couldn't let it happen to Hunter. "Please don't! Take me instead. I don't care what you do just don't hurt Hunter."

Jared thought it through and to some miracle decided to let Tom have his wishes.

"Very well then, I'm sure my soldiers would be pleased they have someone so special to take their stress out on." Again with that wicked smirk. He pulled out some cuffs off his belt and put them around Toms wrist. Then led him to a courtyard where many soldiers stood.

What happened next happened in a blur. One that Tom didn't want to remember.

A couple of hours later, Tom was returned to his bedroom. Bloodied and bruised. He ached all over.

Hunter was up already and stood by the window. Though when he heard the door open, the sight terrified him.

"Tom? What happened?"

He walked over to the bed as Tom collapsed onto it. He didn't reply to Hunter, simply being too tired to but by the look of him, it was pretty obvious. The soldiers had got some good hits on him.

Hunter knew he had to do something to help the cuts, so they wouldn't get infected. Looking around he spotted cupboards and decided to look for some kind of first aid kit. When he had no luck there, he check the bathroom.

There sat on the counter of the sink was one.

Tom was laying on his stomach on the bed, listening to Hunter shuffle around.

"This is going to hurt Tom."

Nothing he hadn't felt before. Though he still winced when the antiseptic wipes touched his open cuts.

As Hunter carried on helping Tom out with his wounds, Tom couldn't help but wonder how long he'd have to endure this treatment until Tord finally came to save him.

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