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Waking up in a new environment is starting to become Toms norm.

From what he remembered, the commie had taken him to his house, he says house but he knows it's a base. Then he was shown an office. Finally, a boy escorted Tom to a bedroom. By the looks of the fancy decor, he can tell it's a room for a higher rank and judging by the lump with horned hair that stirred next to him, it was.

As he looked at the sleeping figure next to him, a wild sense of nostalgia hit him.  Deep down, he felt a little happiness in his heart but the rest was anger.

After 5 years of just letters from him, he comes in swoops him from everything he's learnt to deal with for them years that have passed. Now Toms back at where he started when he left. What Tom had built for himself, how to live without Tord, how to cope and...and just forget about the man. Everything had come crashing down.

Now he was Completely helpless, and Edds not there to save him this time. He needed to get out.

So with being as quiet and stealthily as he can, Tom sneaked towards the door and made his way out to the hallway. He saw the odd person walking about and hid from them before continuing. So far so good.

However that was short lived, as soon as he got just outside the Red Leaders quarters, a guard soldier spotted him alerting the other soldiers on guard immediately. Unfortunately for Tom, he had no idea where he was going and any way he tried to go was a no go. Soon enough he was cornered and captured.

"Radio Red Leader." The first soldier commanded another, they nodded and got a radio out from their back pocket.

As they were letting Red Leader know, Tom was trying to struggle away to which the one holding him slammed him to the wall. Tom winced on impact, unable to feel if his skin had bursted thanks the soldier holding his arms. A definite bump and bruise though.

"Unhand him soldier." Came the unmistakable voice of Tord. The soldier did just that and let Tom fall to the floor, ungracefully.

Walking forward, Tord helped his ex lover stand then proceeded to check him for injures. To which Tom protested and pushed him away.

"Did they hur-"

"Leave me alone commie." With that Tom started to walk away. Upon hearing the gasps and hushed words of how this person just spoke to their leader like that, Tord stalked towards Tom and hoisted him just over his shoulder. Thanks to his small frame.

"Let me go!" Tom protested while trying to wiggle out of Tords grip.

Tord heard the soldiers snicker and looked behind him, giving them a look that instantly made them get back to work.

Once inside his office, he finally let Tom down. After stumbling a bit, he stood straight and glared at Tord.

"what the hell was that!? I get assaulted by your 'soldiers' then I get picked up and dragged back here!"

"Oh stop being so dramatic Thomas, I didn't drag you here I carried you."

"Same difference." Tom crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly.

Tom watched as Tord sat behind his desk and pulled out something from his desk cupboard. A tablet?

"As I mentioned yesterday, you are now my secretary. You will organise my meetings, make notes during them meetings so I can go back on them, and do the necessities like get me coffee etc."

"You're actually joking?" Looking into Tords eye he could see the exact opposite "you aren't joking? I'm not doing this Tord! I didn't sign up for this, you can't keep me against my will!"

"Actually Thomas, I can do whatever I want and I want you." Tord replied. Although he couldn't do whatever he liked, he just didn't care.

"Oh no don't even try to go there! No I'm not going to sit by and let you boss me around. You have no idea what you put me through! You don't know that for a whole year after you LEFT us with that stupid robot, that I was put under suicide watch because I didn't want to live without you! You don't know that....that I blamed myself for everything, that I thought it was all my fault and you didn't have the guts to break up with me so you tried to kill us! That the words 'I want you ' was all I wanted to hear from you again because I wanted you too." By the end Toms voice had gotten quitter to where it was almost a whisper. "But you know what, all that has gone down the drain because I am finally done with you! I'm not going to stand by and let you boss me around like we're still together!" Tom didn't know he had tears streaming down his face until he reached up and ran a hand down his face.

"Listen Thomas for 5 years I sent a letter as much as I could. I couldn't wait to see you any longer and now I can't let you go. I can't tell you why but you need to trust me."

Tom scoffed and looked back to Tord, "you sent me letters for 5 years because you were too much of a coward to ask me for forgiveness in person. Not that I was going to forgive you. You should've thought about that before what you did. So if you will, let me go."

"I can't do that Thomas. The only way to leave is for you to escape and we all know that's not going to happen, just think about how yo-"

"Ugh I can't be arsed with this. Alright fine I will be your secretary but don't expect me to willing comply to your every whim!"

"That's all I want, witness."

"Tsk whatever and I want my own bedroom and I want to get some of my things from the house." Tom, albeit gurglingly, agreed. He huffed and crossed him arms at Tords smug face.

"Done and done. Jeez for a minute yesterday I'd thought you had changed your ways."

"Seeing you again made something click."

"Glad I still have that kind of power." Tord said with another smug smirk.

Tom huffed and crossed his arms looking out the window.

Just what had he gotten himself into.

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