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"Right so, the fizzy drinks are in the next aisle over so we'll go there next" Edd said, pointing the the next aisle.

Yesterday,after the three men had their dinner, Tom went back to his room like usual. He didn't come out until Edd woke his up to go shopping the next day.

They were currently at the local supermarket Asda, buying their necessities. By necessities they mean Bacon and Cola for Edd, because you know, said man can never out grow his favourites. Unlike Tom, who grew out of his alcohol addiction since he grew out of his attitude. Thanks to a certain Norwegian.

Tom sighed disappointedly just thinking about him.

As they walked into the next aisle, Tom got a really bad gut feeling that something was going to happen. Just as this thought was going through his head, the sound of shouting was heard at the front of the store.

Edd and Matt just assumed it was just customer trouble but Tom knew better and started getting fidgety.

"You okay there buddy?" Edd noticed Toms mood and put a hand on his shoulder. Tom nodded, albeit him not being okay.

Warily looking towards the end of the aisle he saw a glimpse of people holding an object, running past a small gap in the aisle. That's when Tom knew something was wrong.

Again, as if he was psychic, gunshots echoed around the store. As on instinct, the people in the aisle ducked including Tom, Edd and Matt. Looking up they saw men in blue and red uniforms, holding guns, blocking both ends of the fizzy drinks aisle.

Everything stopped in that moment for Tom, he looked  towards the soldiers on each end of the aisle first. Then he looked to Edd and Matt who were holding eachother with Matts body protectively over Edds. Next he looked at the other people in the aisle which happened to be an old lady sat infront if her trolly and a young boy with, what looked to be his father, who had was like Edd and Matt protecting his son from any harm.

In that moment as he looked back towards the soldiers, he saw them part and a figure walking in between with his head held high in authority.

As he came closer, he could make out a strong figure with two horn shapes on top of his head. He recognised him and holy moly did he want to just jump into his arms. However, a part of Tom wouldn't allow it.

He was mad. He was outraged. Heartbroken. All thanks to this man who was making an unnecessary scene.

The man walking towards Tom had on black trousers, black combat boots, a red jumper with a blue coat that was longer at the back. He had a red robot arm to compensate for his missing arm, an eye patch over his right eye and a badge that read "Red Leader"

Tord Larason.

The same Tord who left Tom. The same Tord who betrayed his friends and boyfriend. The same Tord who constantly wrote Tom letters saying how much he missed him. The same Tord who seemed to have...changed, ironically as it sounds.

Once he reached Tom, Tord kneeled infront of him and cupped his chin making him look directly into Tords silver eye.

"Hello, Thomas."

And with that everything went black for Tom.

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