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"Okay you go in, grab necessities. You have 10 minutes." Tord explained as they got to Tom, Edd and Matts house.

"Want to escort me as well?" Tom sarcastically stated with a roll of the eyes.

"Don't push it witness."

With that Thomas got out of the car and made his way up to his house. Well former house. The top window was slightly open and due to being a part of an army, getting into the house was as easy as slicing a piece of cake.

Once inside Tom made his way towards his closet and took out a suitcase he had stashed away for holidays. He decided that grab a few pieces of clothing while he was there, though it wasn't entirely necessary as The Red Army would already supply standard secretary clothing.

"5 minutes, sir." A soldier stood by the window on watch, warned.

"Yeah, yeah." He waved the soldier off and carried on grabbing things he wanted to take with him.

Just as Tom was about to leave he remembered the box of letters that was stashed under things in the closet. He went towards it and put it in the bag, the letters were the only things that really kept Tom going and he didn't want to leave them behind.

It had been 10 minutes so Tom made his way back to the car. However just as he was about to get into the car, he saw two figures walking towards them. A short one and a tall one.

Edd and Matt.

"Tom?" Before Tom could speak or even react he was swept off his feet and placed in the car.

Before the door could even shut properly the car zoomed down the street. Getting over the initial shock, he looked over at Tord with bewilderment but didn't question the previous actions as it was clear what the intention was.

After a painful 3 hours, they made it back to the base. All 50 soldiers that went along got out their respected cars and escorted both men back to the base doors. Yes 50, although Tom thought it was totally unnecessary, Tord said that anything could've happened, especially with enemy army's out to get rid of Red Leader.

"Alright Thomas, you can go and get situated in your room. Once you've finished that come to my office and we will get your tool for work. You start on Monday." Tord said as they walked into Red Leaders section.

"Yes, sir." Tom mock saluted. "Uh...where's my room?"

"Oh, right. Marco, can you show Thomas to his room."

"Yes, Red leader." Marco professionally saluted and started to walk down the hall, looking over his shoulder to make sure Tom was following. Which he was.

"Why are you so polite to the commie, he's so demanding." Tom asked as he reached Marcos side.

"Yes, he's demanding but he saved me. I owe my life to him."

"Oh, please." Tom scoffed. "That commie isn't capable of saving a plant. Never mind an actual human."

"Oh but he is. When I was 16 I came out to my homophonic parents. They resented me for it and kicked me out. I had no family or anything to stay with so I was out on the streets. As if it was some miracle, Red Leader was walking by as I slept and I guess he saw me as some kind of opportunity. Offered me a bed, free food and even cloths. All I had to do was be a soldier in his army." Marco explained as they reached a door with a soldier stood outside. "A boy living on the streets with nothing but the cloths on his back, how could I turn down the offer. And I'm glad I didn't cause I wouldn't be here now."

With that Marco gestured to the soldier at the door, nodded then turned and walked back down the hall.

"Thomas Timston?" The soldier a the door asked.

"Yes that's me." Tom cautiously responded.

"I'm Sargent Daniels, your new assigned bodyguard. I am to stay with you at all times. You need to go somewhere? I will join be permitted to join along." Tom nodded and made his way into his room with his suitcase.

As soon as he was in, he looked around. Not much different from Tords room, only the room was a tad smaller.

Tom dragged his suitcase towards bed and sat down. Just thinking and letting everything that's happened the past day settle in. If someone was to ask him that he'd become a secretary for a leader of a very well known army, he'd have thought you were an alien or something.

There's goes getting over Tord. He really wanted to but how was it possible to keep that when Tord was keeping Tom. It was selfish but what could do? Heh maybe one day he'll actually get back together with Tord. As absurd as that sounded, it actually didn't sound too bad...

"Ugh get your head out of the gutter, you idiot." Tom scolded himself. "You hate the commie."

Maybe he'll just learn to get along with the commie. He is working for him quite personally now.

With a sigh, Tom got off the bed and started to unpack his suitcase. The first thing that came out was the box of letters. With some hesitation, he opened up the box and took out a letter in the middle. Though he didn't read it. He simply couldn't.

He quickly stuffed the letter back in the box and hid it under his bed. Panting heavily. He wasn't sure why he was so worked up about the letters. He was always so fond of them before but now, he shook his head and sat back on the bed. Too emotionally exhausted to stay awake.

The last lingering thought in his head was why did he get so worked up about the letters now?

Letters from himWhere stories live. Discover now