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Tord sat on the plane watching as a few soldiers boarded. Their destination? America. He was going to get Tom back, make no mistake of that.

As the plane raised into the air, Tord could barely sit still. He had no idea where his love was but due to the letter he left, Tord knew Tom would come into contact with the Red Army so he would travel around until they meet.

It could take weeks or even months but he won't stop.

Due to the fact he is currently fighting the American army in order to take over means he isn't restricted. Meaning he will be able to do whatever it takes to try and find where Tom is residing.

Tord looked around at his soldiers, Edd and Matt were sat nearer to the back, tied up so they couldn't move. It was a part of Tords plans. They knew what Tom was doing and why he was doing this.

He could also use them as some kind of bait. Tom, Edd and Matt were all extremely close, if Tord threatened their lives Tom would come forward. As mean as it sounds. Though that plan was overruled as Tom would never forgive him meaning all his would be for nothing. He'd figure something out.

His other soldiers apparently didn't know about Tords plans and that only the few that went along with Tom knew. Keeping it very secret indeed.

A good few hours later they landed at one of the temporary camps they had made in America. It was at that camp  had reported some of their soldiers missing so he put two and two together and decided it'd be best to go to that camp.

After getting settled he had a meeting with the leaders of the camp to begin the search. While they were sorting through things at the meeting, a radio call interrupted saying a condiment centre nearby had been broken in to and a few people being taken out.

So with that information they got packed up and drove to the centre.
This chapter is so short and I hate short chapter but I wanted to write one as it had been a while.

Anyway thanks for reading the next won't be so short.


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