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Tom woke up to the rhythmic hum of a car and the soft bounces as it made its way down a road.

Assuming Edd and Matt were up front taking him home after he passed out, Tom let his head rest back into the seat.

That was until he heard foreign voices speaking to each other. Upon further inspection he could feel something familiarly soft under his head. The lap of someone.

As he shifted a bit to look up, a hand came up to his hair and gently run through it. The action would've been relaxing if Toms self awareness wasn't very high. When fully looking up to the mysterious person, he was met with the stare of one single silver eye.

Everything hit him at once, the shouts, the gunshots, the soldiers and Tord. With that Tom shot up in his seat and looked around. He set his sight on the two in front, the one driving had strikingly thick eye brows with his hair a tousled mess and on the passenger side another man who's hair was swept into bangs at the side with a middle parting. They both were wearing the exact same uniform as Tord was. However, they seemed to have rifles on their back.

Tom looked back at Tord who smiled innocently at him.

"I have so many questions" Tom answered without missing a beat.

"I'm sure you do, love. We'll be at our destination in the next 30 minutes so why don't you rest and I'll wake you when we get there."

Oh how Tom has missed that sickeningly sweet Norwegian voice. Though he wanted to protest and stay awake, his eyes were begging for sleep. So that's what Tom did, however he leant his head on the window and let the trees passing by lull him to sleep.

After that amount of time had passed, Tom woke up to a tapping on his shoulder.

"Hmm?" He said rather groggily.

"We're here." Tord replied. Tom looked out of the window at the large, looming building they came to stop in front of.

"W-what is this place." Tom asked as Tord stepped out of the car. He walked around it and opened the door nearest to Tom.

"This," He gestured to the building "is my home."

Tord held out a hand to help the shocked man out of the car but he just looked at him with disbelief.

"Why are we here?"

"Because you're going to live here now. You are going to work here. You're going to be my secretary."

Tom looked at Tord with a frown. He couldn't hold him against his own will! It's against the law!

"No! Take me back home Tord!"

"Ah, ah." Tord tutted "didn't I say I'd see you soon? Well I meant it. So here you are."

"No. I'll just tell Edd to come and get me." Tom patted his jeans to look for his phone, however was unsuccessful in doing so. He looked to see Tord chuckling holding up his device.

"Looking for this?" Tord smirked.

"Give it back now Tord!" With that Tord dropped the phone and used his boot to smash it. All the while Tom stared at Tord with horror.

"How dare you! That phone cost me an arm and a leg!"

Tord ignored Tom and proceeded to grab his hand but pulled it out of his grasp. Tord sighed irritably.

"Thomas, if you don't willingly come with us now, we will be reduced to forcibly removing you from that car and dragging you inside. Is that what you want?"

5 years ago Tom would have fought back and protested but he isn't the same. With a sigh he got out of the car and willingly walked with Tord. With a smug smirk he grabbed Toms hand and walked him toward the entrance of the base.

"Good evening Red Leader." The guards welcomed. Tord nodded in acknowledgment.

As soon as Tord walked into the base, he was bombarded with many soldiers asking him different questions. He ignored the majority and walked towards his section of the base with his hand still clasped in Toms tightly. Once inside, he lead Tom towards a specific room. His office.

As Tom looked around he could see two desks, a big one near the floor to ceiling window with 'Red Leader' labelled on top and one by the door that was bare. Tords desk had papers scattered around and multiple blueprints. There's was other odd bits of furniture placed around the room a sofa, a few book cases and cupboards. A door was also located and with it slightly open Tom could make out a toilet.

"Witness! pay attention." Tom snapped out of his thoughts and looked towards Tord who had sat at his desk. "You will deal with that commotion outside. Not today, I'll have my old secretary deal with that but In future remember that. You will also deal with my meetings and take notes for me to go over after the meeting. I'll explain more later but right now I have quite a bit of work to do. Taylor!" Tord shouted and a boy who must of been around 19 scurried into the office. Tom must've been so out of it he didn't see the boy stood outside.

"Take Tom to my room will you." Tord commanded "Tom get some rest you look like you need it."

Tom only nodded and was lead by Taylor towards Tords room. He's not going to question it as he simply doesn't care at the moment, he just wants to sleep.

Taylor didn't hold a conversation with Tom but kept stealing glances at the unusual voids he had for eyes.

"I was born like this."

"Huh?" Taylor was taken back by the comment.

"I know what you're thinking, 'how'd he get them eyes' so I did you a favour and told you. My mum was a bowling ball and my dad was a pineapple. See the resemblance?"

Tom smirked at Taylor's stunned look.

"How does that even work?"

Tom simply shrugged and upon seeing the fancy door, he just knew it was Tords room.

"Thanks for bringing me. I can take it from here." Taylor who was stunned only nodded at Tom and half waved as he opened and shut the door behind him.

The room was...elegant. Typical commie with his red coloured sheets and red and black painted walls. There wasn't much to the room. The bed was a four posted bed pushed up against a wall with a walk in closet on the opposite wall, a large mirror on one side and a few draws on the other. A door presumably leading to an ensuite bathroom and another door locked with multiple padlocks and hand scanner. Mysterious.

Without even changing Tom flopped onto the bed and closed his eyes; falling asleep instantly.

The last thing he remembered was someone walking into the room, taking off Toms shoes and putting a blanket over him. Being too tired to fight back or see who it was he just fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

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