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It was the same routine everyday for Tom. Wake up after a couple of hours sleep, wait hours for someone to go get him, let the soldiers have their way with him, come back to Hunter cleaning him up, try and relax for the next hours before having something to eat. Something very small to eat, usually 2 pieces of bread with a single glass. That's not enough for 1 person never mind 2 people but it's what they had to deal with.

Tom sat at the window that overlooked a forest, just like the red army base, praying someone would walk by and spot the injured, malnourished boy. However he had to remind himself that they were way out of the way from any civilisation. Tears leaked down his cheeks from under his eye mask as his thoughts kept leading to Tord. He missed him. Its like the end had happened all over again and he was stopped from seeing Tord.

As he sat feeling sorry for himself, Hunter who was sleeping shifted on the bed. Tom stood up and walked over to the boy. There was something about Hunter that made Tom want to just protect the boy like he was his own son. He was only 17 years old but he worked as a cleaner at the Red Army Base. From what Tom had witnessed, he had a very close relationship with Paul and Pat. A father and son relationship.

Walking over to the bed, he sat at the edge. Running his hand through Hunters hair softly as he slept. He couldn't let any soldier of the Purple Army even hurt one hair on his head. The poor kid was way too innocent.

Recently he had been completely different from the way he acted in the Red Army Base. It's probably because of him being away from everything he knew.

"Huh? Tom?" He groggily asked.

"Shh. Go back to sleep." He kept up the hair stroking before laying beside him and staring at the ceiling. He must have even staring awake because the next thing he knew it was dark outside.

It was eerily quiet. Almost too quiet. Almost like the calm before the storm. He had a feeling in his aching gut. One that seemed almost of hope. Though he had no idea what it meant.

Almost as if on cue, a loud explosion and shaking building woke up Hunter who looked around alert. Tom put a finger on his lips and walked towards the window. What he saw almost made him cry tears of joy.

Red soldiers lined the forest as Tom waved frantically catching the attention of a few of them. They spoke to each other and pointed to the building.

As he watched, the door slammed open and a few of the opposing soldiers made their way to Tom and Hunter grabbing them or at least as Tom trashed around and screamed at them. It was hard seeing as how his body was extremely thin and he was practically weak; aching all over.

The soldiers outside caught onto what was happening and immediately went into action.

Finally feeling too tired to fight back, he let the soldiers drag him through the corridors, Hunter in front in the same situation. 

As they made it down a different corridor, a bunch of Red soldiers were making their way up the other direction. Noticing this, the purple soldiers turned quickly but the other end of the corridor was in the exact same situation.

Without a second thought the soldiers holding Tom and Hunter entered the closest door. Then they did the craziest thing, in Toms option anyway. They ran towards the window and threw themselves through it. Misjudging the height and falling several feet to the ground. Tom groaned now having been released crawled his way to Hunter who was sat holding his head that had a cut leaking blood.

As he made his way to Hunter, Tom was about to reach out to him but was suddenly grabbed by the ankles. He looked back to the soldier that was dragging him and saw his arm had been bent back on a worrying angle.

They didn't get far as the man was being pulled away from Tom. The next thing he knew, he was being lifted in a bridal style way and was being taken somewhere. He vaguely recognised the figure as a soldier from the Red Army but the fuzziness in his head was restricting him from putting a face to him.

Nothing was really making sense to him. In his aching, malnourished state, how could anyone blame him. Though he did have sense enough to know he was being taken to a helicopter. Then being placed in a seat with a figure sitting next to him. He remembered a hand softly turning his head, a silver eye looking at him concerned. Then that figure put a metal arm around his shoulder; forcing his head on his soldier.

"Sleep now, my love."

And that's exactly what Tom did while finally feeling satisfied and safe.


Thank you so much for reading, I do hope you're somewhat enjoying the book.

I was really unsure about reading at first but I just went for it. I'm happy it's getting a good few views, maybe not as much as other books but I'm satisfied.

Anyway thanks again for reading.


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