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"So our soldiers have stormed into this city here." A solider stood by a map of America, pointing to the part he was talking about. "All innocents that haven't been killed are being kept in the new bases confinement cells."

Tom stared on, hating the fact that all the innocents are being punished for just casually living in that area. He shook his head and glared at the soldier talking; Tord curiously looking at him.

Tom knew all too well what it felt like to be forcefully removed from his home. Thanks to one Red Leader. Hence why he made a vow to do anything to help them innocents. Even if it meant going against his lovers wishes.

After the meeting they exited the room and Tord decided not to ask about Toms behaviour during the meeting.

"Okay So you don't have any more meetings today."

"So were done today and dinner isn't for another 3 hours, how about we go back to my room and have some fun?" Tord raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Get your head out of the gutter Commie." Tom rolled his eyes at Tords behaviour.

"Oh come on! It's been over 5 years! I have my needs!" Tord whined like a little child.

"You're the only one to blame for that. Now it you'll excuse me I have some friends to visit."

Tord grumbled, something about using his hands is better than Toms anyway. Which only made Tom laugh and carry on to meet Edd and Matt who had agreed to meet after the meeting.

On the way his thoughts went back to the poor innocents. When saying innocents, it's quite self explanatory but it was a way to describe the innocent people who occupied the area that's to be invaded. Children, babies, elderly people and all, taken to a confinement centre. The centre is a quick arrangement and is made from a building they had taken over.

He felt like he needed to do something about the innocents. There was no way Tom could let Tord know. He'd make Tom stay and confine him, himself.

The quick plan Tom had thought of was to get a small group of people whom he could trust. The group would consist of a pilot to get them over to America, a few soldiers, a communications specialist and a first aider. Again rough ideas.

"Tom hey!" Matt waved the man over to where they were sitting in the cafeteria. "Where's Todd?"

"Tord is being mardy about me not helping with his "meeting wood"."

"Gross. Spare us the details." Edd chuckled and motioned his hand to the seat in front of him and Matt. "So what's on your mind, you've looked like your having an argument in your head."

Tom looked around to any listening soldiers nearby, however there was only a few soldiers hanging around. "How about we take a stroll outside and I can tell you."

So they did that with Edd hooking his arm through Matts. Looking at Tom expectedly.

"Well, you know how we're trying to take over America?" Edd knew of course, he was a soldier in their army "well they're taking out new areas with innocents there. The ones they haven't already killed are being kept in confinement centres. It's not fair and I know all too well what it feels like to be taken from the place you loved and once knew. I feel like it's my job to go over there and free them."

"Tord would never allow that." Edd commented with Matt nodding in agreement.

"He doesn't need to know. I've already thought of a small plan. If you could talk some of your soldiers Matt? And I could talk to Andrew."


"The one who helps take care of the soldiers injured during training. I could always talk Sargent Daniels into it and Adam. Also, I'm pretty sure Pilot Spencer will agree."

"Why would they agree?"

"Because they know me."

Edd thought about it as a thought occurred to him "what about me and Matt? We could help."

Tom shook his head in protest "you'll be doing enough staying here and working for Tord. Besides what I'm doing will be a risk and I don't want to throw you guys into it anymore than what I already am."

Edd thought about it again for a second but he knew there was no talking Tom out of his decision. Just as he was about to call out his thoughts another voice interrupted him.

"I'll help."

All three men turned around to look at the face of the voice. There stood Mia, the woman soldier.

"Mia? How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know that I'm in and I'm pretty sure you're in no state to turn me down."

Matt agreed with that. After all Mia was a very vicious and skill full fighter. She was ruthless too and could fight off just about anyone.

"If that's what you want, i still need to make all the arrangements. You'll have to keep this extremely quiet."

"Aye, aye." She saluted and walked off to where she was headed.

"So you're serious about this?" Edd had to make sure, this would cause a lot of consequence.

"I have to. I'll go speak to individuals after dinner." With that Tom said goodbye to his friends and walked to Tords room, praying he was finished whatever dirty things he decided to do.

Knocking on, he didn't get a reply. So he just walked in, surprised to see Tord sound asleep. Tom liked it best when Tord was asleep. No annoying commie, just peaceful quiet commie.

Tom sat on the edge of the bed next to Tords head, running his hand through his horned hair. It was unexpectedly soft. Like really soft.

Deciding it was best not to wake a grumpy Red Leader, he simply lied next to him and stared at the ceiling thinking about the plans.

Operation SAI.

A simple yet effective code name.

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