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Matt watched as Edd sat glumly on the sofa staring blankly at the TV. Ever since the ordeal with Tord coming to claim Tom back, Edd had been beating himself up about it. Feeling like he could've done something instead of just watching Tord take him away.

"You know, I think he's going to be just fine with that man." Matt sat down next to Edd and put an arm around his shoulder. He used to remember all the love the man would give to Tom.

"You mean Tord?" Edd asked with a raised eyebrow, amusement showing on his face for a spilt second.

"Yeah, Todd. Like you and me they are." Matt beamed.

"Apart from the fact Tord betrayed us." Edds grimaced with a tad bit of aggression in his voice causing Matts smile to dissolve. Retracting his hand from around Edds shoulder, he set them in his lap.

Edd sighed and picked up on of Matts hand; intertwining their fingers. Feeling bad about upsetting Matt.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really worried about Tom. Knowing how...fragile he can be, I don't know how he's coping."

"That's true but if he's somewhere other than home, it means he can't be cooped up in his room all day anymore. Todd will surely get him out all the time. And he was depressed because of Todd leaving, now he's trying to make up for it."

Though Matt can be a bit dense sometimes, he also has a clever, sensible part of his brain that Edd really appreciates at times like these. Resting his head on Matts shoulder he couldn't help but be proud of his boyfriend.

"You're right. I shouldn't be so worried. I just don't know how long it'll be until we see him again, if we even do."

"Everything happens for a reason! That's what Ma always said. We just need to wait and see what the future has in store for us."

Again, Edd took in his words and smiled slightly. His eyes settled on what was on the tv, while his head had moved to Matts chest so he could hear his comforting, steady heartbeat. The one that belongs to him. Nothing was really appealing on the TV so he decided to close his eyes. The hand going through his hair was very soothing and just lulled him to sleep even more.

Just before the darkness came to him, he heard Matt speak, to which he groggily replied.

"I love you, Edd."

"Mmm, love you too."


Today is Edds birthday so I wanted to post a quick chapter in his honour. ^^


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